Sophia's Early catholic community 1788,1850

By becool
  • 1788 first fleet arrives in NSW

    1788 first fleet arrives in NSW
    When the Britain settlers began to start there settlement, 30% of the 756 convicts were catholic. While the settlement was going Governor Phillip had built an Anglican church. If convicts had refused to go to Governor Phillips Anglican church they would be flogged. Some of the convicts had burnt down the colony's first Anglican church.
  • Catholic seltters asked Governor for a priest

    Catholic seltters asked Governor for a priest
    In 1792 when the convicts had ask Governor Phillip to have a catholic priest Governor Phillip refused to have one because he had thought that bad sneaky mischief would happen and things would get out of hand and some of the Irish would rebel.
  • 1797 Catholic in NSW

    1797 Catholic in NSW
    Most of the early Catholics were Irish convicts. These Catholics had not practise there faiths in traditional ways, Britain Governors had believed that Catholic convicts had been secretly praying and using prayer beads and books.
  • the first priest arrived in Australia

    the first priest arrived in Australia
    In 1798 the first Catholic priest who was father Dixon had came to the colony and is a convict, father Dixon had been transported because he was up in the Irish Rebellion.
  • first mass allowed to be celebrated

    first mass allowed to be celebrated
    It was in till the early 1800 that the first Catholic mass was allowed to
    be celebrated. This catholic mass had Anglican police surrounding it.The next mass had been celebrated after the further 16 years.
  • First free priest arrived

    First free priest arrived
    It was when pope of England had allowed father O' Flynn to come and be a priest, father O' Flynn was not a convict but had been expelled from NSW in 1818.
  • first official Catholic priests arrived

    first official Catholic priests arrived
    It was in tell 1820 the first official Catholic mass was allowed to be celebrated with farther Connolly and Therry in NSW
  • Catholics in NSW

    Catholics in NSW
    By then in the 1820's some Catholic convicts were still convicts and some had served there duty in NSW and were free settles.
  • Bishop polding appointed

    Bishop polding appointed
    Now they had 20,000 Catholics in NSW and had needed and bishop for more super vision for the priest
  • Church Act

    Church Act
    The Governor in 1836 had realised that all religions had the same right to do there traditional prayers.
  • First priest arrives in Brisbane

    First priest arrives in Brisbane
    As then in the colony at Moreton Bay now were we are in Brisbane Polding was the Moreton Bay Archbishop. In 1843 Thomas MacDougall Brisbane had named Brisbane after his last name.