Somewhere I Didn't Think I'd Follow

  • Dina and Ellie Meet

    Outside of the movie theater in downtown Jackson, Dina and Ellie meet for the first time.
  • Ellie Returns From SLC

    Ellie comes back from Salt Lake City, changed. Dina begins recognize her own feelings might be more than friendly when she realizes the hole Ellie had left in her when she was gone.
  • Dina's Resolution

    Dina confirms to Ellie that if Ellie ever leaves again, Dina is going with her.
  • Dina and Jesse Break up

    Dina can't suppress her feelings any longer and it changes her relationship with Jesse to the point it can't be sustained. They break up once Jesse realizes it too while they have sex.
  • The Bonfire

    While Ellie plays "Take On Me" for her, Dina makes a promise to herself, and in her heart, to Ellie, that they will be more than Ellie imagines.
  • The Dance

    Dina and Ellie kiss for the first time. Possibilities spring into new life.
  • The Patrol

    Jesse and Ellie find Joel being tortured by WLF invaders, kill them all. Jesse is injured. Joel is maimed. Ellie mortally wounds a pregnant Mel.
  • The Clinic

    From March 2nd thru the 3rd. Joel in the clinic, develops deep vein thrombosis. Mel dies of her wounds. Dina and Ellie see each other for the last time.
  • Raid on Victor, ID

    Dina and Astrid ride to Victor.
  • Return to Jackson

    Dina returns to Jackson and finds Ellie is gone.
  • Jesse Starts Working the Walls

    After his leg has healed, Jesse starts working along the wall, instead of patrols.
  • Cat and Dina Reconnect

    Over drinks, a smoke, and shared memories, Cat and Dina reconnect.
  • Ellie in Dubois

    Ellie makes a trip into town to visit Karlson, the local doctor.
  • Dina and Jesse become engaged

    Jesse proposes to Dina on her birthday. Ellie sneaks into Jackson and witnesses.
  • Ellie Meets Jenny

    Ellie wanders into town after a hunt, and sleeps with Jenny for the first time.
  • Joel's Trip into Dubois

    Joel tests out his ability to make the trip into Dubois himself.
  • Ellie Falls Asleep at Jenny's

    Ellie has a dream while asleep at Jenny's place.
  • Dina Begins Taking the Long Patrols

    Dina starts picking up as many long distance patrols and trade routes as she can.
  • Jesse and Elijah Have Guys Night

    Jesse has a night at home just with his son while Dina is out on a long patrol.
  • Jenny Breaks Things off with Ellie

    Jenny reveals she's become engaged, and breaks off her relationship, such as it is, with Ellie. Joel tries to give Ellie "the talk".
  • Dina Discovers the Farm

    Dina finds the farm while out on patrol with Anya. Later that night, Tommy scolds her for still trying to track down Ellie.
  • Dina Makes a Change to her Tattoo

    Dina has Cat do a Hamsa tattoo on her side. During their second and final session, she has Cat add moths wings to it.
  • Ellie and Tommy Talk in Front of the Cabin

    Ellie and Tommy have a short conversation about Dina on one of his visits to Dubois, when he brought Joel's birthday presents.
  • Joel's Birthday

    Joel's birthday where Ellie makes him venison steak, gives him gifts of coffee beans, a prosthetic leg, and a single watch of Curtis and Viper 2 on a charged portable DVD player.
  • Cat Tells Dina Her Secret

    Cat tells Dina she's heard a rumor about Ellie's whereabouts.
  • Dubois in Flames

    Dubois is attacked by hunters. Dina finds Ellie.