Crematoriums were first used. They were first used by Slavic people. -
Period: to
Someone Named Eva
Monacrcy fell
It happened when Hitler became leader of Germany. He wanted to take over all of Europe. -
Gas Chambers
Gas Chambers were used. They were used by Nazis in the holacaust. -
Hitler Became Chancellor
Germans Ellected Hitler as chancellor. The ederly President agreed for him to be chancellor. -
Hydrich death
Hitlers right hand man died. He was killed in a car. -
Destruction in Lidice
Nazis have taken over Milidas town for about three years now. -
New place
Milada has been sent to a camp in an area you cant escape. The German people changed the girls names to German. -
Candy shop
The camp went to go buy candy from a candy shop but when Eva arrived she saw someone that looked like her grandma. She got beat up by a Nazi -
Adopting day
Eva got adopted by a rich family. Shes been wondering if her real family come and get her. -
Learning more and more
Eva has learned more about Vater. She is having a adopting celebration. -
Bonding and learning
Elsbeth and Eva have been getting closer. Also she has explained what Eva has been smeeling -
Consentration Camp
Eva might've founf the consintration camp her mom was in. -
Hitlers death
Hitler comitted suicied and he wanted his soldiers to burn him. -
Red cross people have come to get Eva and they are brining her to her mother. -
End of WW2
World war 2 finally came to an end. Germany lost. -
Shelter and Germans Surrender
Eva and her family had been in the shelter for more than 2 weeks. Germany surrendered and Hitler is dead. -
Soldiers found guilty
Soldiers were found guilty for killing Jews. Some got killed or put in jail.