The first crematorium
The first crematorium was built. It was used to burn already dead bodies of people in German camps. -
Hitlers book "Mind Lump"
Hitler made a book called mind lump. He created this book in 1925. He wrote it for his prisoners. -
Hidenburg's dearh
Hidenburg died so Germany didn't have a chancellor anymore. Hitler was later elected chancellor. -
German's invading Poland
Germans invade poland after conquering them. German soldiers march into there territory. -
Providing help
The americans provided aids to the people that were fighting the Nazis.They didn't fight they only could help throughou the war -
Capturing Soviet Union
Germany took Soviet union down and took there land. More German men march into Soviet Union. -
How it All Began
Eva gets seperated from her her family and she is left with her mom. They go to a gym and are then Eva is seperated from her mom and taken to a camp. -
Speaking German for the first time
They got to the camp and started having classes about Germany. There classes were about speaking German. -
Going to the Candyshop
They were granted money by Fraulen Krueger and they went to a candyshop. At the candyshop, Eva thought she saw her grandma but it was a old lady. The lady started yelling at Eva so Fraulen beat the old lady. -
A New Family
Eva got put into a German family from the camp. Her new paretns came and looked at her when she was at the camp. -
Getting along with her new family
She is starting to get along with her new family and starting to like living at her new home. But she is forgetting about her old family and the family she grew up with. -
In love with her German family
She is starting to fall in love with her German family. She is in love with her new momand her new sister. She aslo does everything with her new aiater. -
U.S. capturing Rome
U.S. soldiers overcome and take Rome. The Roman coliseum in the picture was now ours. -
Seeing czech women
She is in the woods with her sister and she hears her czech national anthem and she runs to it. She stops at a fence to see czech women working. -
Germans Surrendering
Germany surrendered to the Russians. Now the war is over and Eva can come out of hiding with her family in the bunker. -
Stopping the war
The americans dropped a atomic bomb on the germans. This stopped the war and killed most of the nazi soldiers and killed nazi people.