Gas Chambers Were Invented
Gas Chambers were first invented and used in Nevada. They were used for over 600 executions from 1921-1972. The last time that gas chambers were used was in 1999 -
First Lebensborne Center
The first Lebensborn center was founded by Heinrich Himmler. His goal was to increase the amount of "pure" children. -
Nazi's Invaded Poland
The Nazi's first invaded Poland. They made a non-agression pact making sure that Poland is an asset and not an enemy. -
Heydrich Died
Reinhard Tristan Eugen Heydrich, Hitler's right hand man died. This death was caused by Czech rebels. Hitler thought the rebels were from Lidice, that is why he destroyed Milada's town. -
Russia Was Invaded
The Nazi's inaded Russia because theyh were seen as a threat. They used lots of force to attack the Soviet Union. -
Nazi's Come
Nazi's come to Milada's neighboorhood, got split into men and women and children. She gets taken on a bus with other blonde children. -
Milada or Eva?
Milada's name is changed to Eva. She gets very good food and nice clothes. -
A Trip to Town
Milada gets to go to the town and buy candy. Fraulein has to beat up an old lady who spits on Milada. -
Milada is adopted by a rich Nazi family. She discovers that there is a very bad odor at her house. -
Milada has completely forgotten how to speack Czech. She also found out about the crematoriums. She and Elsbeth are really close. -
A Camp!
Milada and Elsbeth snuck out to go shooting. They discover a women's camp with prisoners singin gin Czech. -
Russians Found A Prison Camp
The Russians found a prison camp. The Germans tried to hide all the evidence of mass murder but the Soviets still found it. -
The War is Over
The war is over. The Russians come to their house and try of find Vater. -
Hitler Commited Suicide
Hitler commited suicide two days after he married Eva Braun. He comitted when he found out that the Allies were winning and that Germany is about to lose. -
World War 2 Ended
Germany offically surrendered. The war was pretty much ended when Hitler commited but It became offical on this day. The war was still going on in America though. -
Milada gets taken to her mother by a Red Cross worker. She finds out that her mother is in bad condition, everyone is dead execpt for her sister and that Lidice doesn't exist anymore.