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Some World War After the 1st and Before the 3rd

  • Crimes Against Humanity

    Crimes Against Humanity
    When Hitler became chancellor of Germany in 1933, he immediately began his idea of a “master race”, and as a result concentration camps were built. These racist views led to the “Final Solution”. A plan of genocide against all the “undesired” Jewish people. In Asia, Japan adopted German traits like their own Gestapo-like police, the “Kempeitai”. With expansion in mind, Japan invaded China in 1931. After, Japan commenced a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. The world was at war.
  • Causes

    Three of the main causes of World War Two were Hitler’s Imperialism, the League of Nations failing and totalitarianism. Japan, Germany and Italy wanted to be powerful nations. Germany started taking over countries in Europe in 1936. They ended up taking over six countries before anyone responded. The League of Nations had no military so they could not enforce their policies. Totalitarian leaders in Japan, Italy and Germany each attacked other countries trying to expand their empires.
  • Canada’s Response

    Canada’s Response
    After World War One, Canada isolated themselves from the rest of the world. They didn’t want to get involved with conflict and go back into debt. Many Canadians had anti-Semitism views and didn’t want Jewish refugees coming to Canada because they were seen as a burden. The government restricted immigration and sent the SS St. Louis, a ship filled with Jewish people, back to Europe. Many of those people later died in concentration camps. More and more people were being deported.
  • The War at Home

    The War at Home
    When war sparked, factories were in high demand for workers so women were encouraged to join the work force as welders and drillers. One-third of women were employed. War increased production and employment. The government took steps like victory bonds to avoid another depression. Jewish refugees were seen as a burden so immigration policy towards them changed. In 1939, the SS St. Louis with 907 Jewish refugees was denied access to Canada. Many aboard the ship would be sent to death camps.
  • War - The Beginning

    War - The Beginning
    For the first time ever the Canadian Parliament voted to go to war. Canada declared war on Germany on September 10, 1939. British Commonwealth Air Training Program (BCATP) was created in Canada. The program was a major contribution to the war that trained over 130 000 pilots, navigators, flight engineers and ground crew. In Total War C.D. Howe was responsible for meeting war demands.
  • War - Axis Advance I

    War - Axis Advance I
    Germany quickly moved across France and trapped the Allies in Dunkirk (France). The Allies used every boat able to cross the English Channel to escape. Two days later the Germans bombed Dunkirk and on June 22, 1940 France surrendered. Once Germany took over France they planned to invade Britain. Hitler’s plan was known as “Operation Sea Lion”, a plan to destroy Britain’s Royal Air Force (RAF) so they could land in Britain. Germans bombed Britain for weeks but the RAF eventually defeated Hitler.
  • Canadas Contribution

    Canadas Contribution
    Canada had a massive building and training exercise to build the RCN (Royal Canadian Navy). By 1941 the battle of Atlantic was in full swing. Britain depended on Canada and United States for food and supplies. Ships sent from Canada and U.S was being attacked by “wolf packs” which consists of U-boats in an attempt to starve Britain. Eventually the Allies cracked the German code and tracked down German submarines.
  • War in the Pacific

    War in the Pacific
    Japan attacked the Philippines and pearl harbour in the U.S.A for resources. U.S then joined the allies and declared war on Japan. Germany and Italy then declared war on U.S.A. Japan bombed Hong Kong a few days after. Canadians soldiers in Hong Kong were no match for the trained Japanese soldiers. December 25 1941 japan took over Hong Kong and either killed all Canadians or took them as hostages or slaves. Many died within 3 years.
  • Tide Turns

    Tide Turns
    United States joined the Allies which helped them gain ground and the Allies became more successful against U-boats. 1942 the Soviet Union joined the Allies and lost a lot of soldiers from German invasions. The Soviet Union asked the allies to invade Europe so Germans could only fight from 2 fronts. The Canadian division was chosen to be the main fight on a raid against French port Dieppe. A Canadian ship met with Germans unfortunately Germans on the shore heard the fight and prepared for battle
  • War - Axis Advance II

    War - Axis Advance II
    After the defeat of France, the Axis forces (Italy, Japan and Germany) attacked North Africa for the control of valuable resources and strategic positions. The British Commonwealth defeated the Italians and Germans resulting in an Allied victory in May 1943. Hitler also launched Operation Barbossa against the Soviet Union. The Germans didn’t prepare for the long, cold winter. Axis powers were also in North Africa so the Germans surrendered in 1943 and the Soviets joined the Allies.
  • D-Day

    Allies launched a rehearsed and planned invasion on France called “operation overload” which was supported by more than a million troops, air and navy. Allies kept it a big secret from Germany which made it a big success also because the Germans had a poorly coordinated defence. June 6, 1944 14,000 Canadians fought their way past German forces taking the beach and 9 kilometers past. Canadians fought for a month on Scheldt river to help bring the Allies supplies.
  • Change in Canada

    Change in Canada
    “Arsenal of democracy” was a promise from President Roosevelt that the US would support the allies with weapons and funs but not join the war. Under the policy of total war, the value of Canadian goods rose from $5.6 billion in 1939 to $11.8 billion in 1945. The wartime improved Canada’s economy. A modern industrial nation grew. In social views, Canada after the war had more employment, workers rights and better immigration policies. WWII was a defining moment for Canada’s identity.
  • Rhine River

    Rhine River
    Feb 8, 1945 175,000 allies attacked Rhine river killing 90 000 Germans and taking 52 000 prisoners.
  • Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    Aggression built between the Allies and Japan after Germany’s surrender. After the quote “fight to the last person”, the Manhattan Project was planned. The American plan was to build atomic weapons capable of pulverizing Japan’s cities. With help from Canada they achieved their goal. On August 6, 1945, the “Enola Gay”, released a bomb over Hiroshima. Three days after, a second was dropped over Nagasaki. With close to 100, 000 people dead. Japan surrendered on August 14, 1945. The war was over.