

  • Barre declares Somalia a socialist state and nationalises most of the economy

    Barre declares Somalia a socialist state and nationalises most of the economy
    Following the assanination of Somalia's second President, Abdi Rashid Ali Shirmake, Major General Muhammed Siyad Barre began to take over the country in a coup. He managed to gain control and in 1970, decled somalia to be a socialist state.
  • Somali first became a written language

    Somali first became a written language
  • Somalia joins the Arab League

    Somalia joins the Arab League
    The Arab league is an organisation founded in 1945, consisting of many independant Arab states Northern/North-eastern Africa and southwest Asia. In this year, Somalia finally becomes a member of this league, making ti the first non-Arab member to join the organisation.
  • Somalia and Ethiopia are engaged in battlePresident Carter cuts all military aid to Ethiopia due to their violation of human rights

    Somalia and Ethiopia are engaged in battlePresident Carter cuts all military aid to Ethiopia due to their violation of human rights
    Since there are Somali citizens living in Ogaden (Ethiopia), Somalia fights to free their people from injustice by turning their military aid to Ethiopoia. The Soviet Union provides tanks for both sides of the conflict.
  • Ethiopia pushes Somalian forces out of their country with the help of Soviet advisors and Cuban troops

    Ethiopia pushes Somalian forces out of their country with the help of Soviet advisors and Cuban troops
    Somalia's attempt to enter Ethiopia is unsuccesful as Ethiopia decides to use their connections with the Soviet Union and Cuba to force their enemy sources out of their country.
  • Peace accord with Ethiopia

    Peace accord with Ethiopia
    Planned advancements on both sides for the battle cease and a mutual peace has been called.
  • Former British Protectorat of Somaliland declares unilateral independance

    Former British Protectorat of Somaliland declares unilateral independance
    Description: Somaliland has become a new state by subnational entity, making it indepednat and soverign without an official or formal agreement with the national state which it will reign.
  • US Marines land near Mogadishu ahead of a UN peacekeeping force sent to restore order and safeguard relief supplies

    US Marines land near Mogadishu ahead of a UN peacekeeping force sent to restore order and safeguard relief supplies
    Now that Somalia has a chance of beginning afresh, they need support and foreign aid to grow their country back to its former glory. The United States have their marines land near Mogadishu to start the restoring process ahead of time.
  • UN Army rangers are attacked by Somali malicias and a battle begins

    UN Army rangers are attacked by Somali malicias and a battle begins
    As UN Army rangers flt to Somalia in helicopters to provide aid and support, Somali malicias begin to shoot them down, reasoning that by having their feet hanging out the helicopter, the UN rangers are showing disrespect for their culture and traditions. In this battle, hundreds of Somali die and the US mission is formally ended.
  • Puntland declares autonomy

    Puntland declares autonomy
    Puntland, a region in Somalia, declares itself to be self-governing.
  • Clan leaders and senior figures meet in Djibouti to elect a new president of Somalia, Abdulkassim Salat Hassan

    Clan leaders and senior figures meet in Djibouti to elect a new president of Somalia, Abdulkassim Salat Hassan
  • Union of Islam Courts maliticia invade Mogadishu and take over. Ethiopian troops use this opportunity to enter Somalia

    Union of Islam Courts maliticia invade Mogadishu and take over. Ethiopian troops use this opportunity to enter Somalia
    Description: During this time period, Somalia's first ever known suicide bombing takes place targetting president Yusuf outside Parliament in Baidoa.
  • The UN Security Council allows countries to send warships to Somalia's territorial waters to tackle pirates

    The UN Security Council allows countries to send warships to Somalia's territorial waters to tackle pirates
    With pirates reigning the coasts and Suez Canal near Somalia, attacks and raids are frequent. To help tackle these issues, the UN Security Council allows countries to send support to Somalia in the form of war ships.
  • Ethiopia withdrawals the rest of their troops out of Somalia after announcing their withdrawal the previous year. Al Shabab also manages to take over Baidoa, a former government stronghold in this year.

    Ethiopia withdrawals the rest of their troops out of Somalia after announcing their withdrawal the previous year. Al Shabab also manages to take over Baidoa, a former government stronghold in this year.
    Al Shabab uses their increased troops to take over Baidoa as a sign of power and control. The battle between Ethiopia and Somalia has come to a temporary pause as Ethiopia withdraws their troops from Somalia.
  • After threats to their staff, the United Nations World Food Progam withdraws from areas of Southern Somalia under the control of Al- Shabab.

    After threats to their staff, the United Nations World Food Progam withdraws from areas of Southern Somalia under the control of Al- Shabab.
    This withdrawal meant that many people living in Southern Somalia no longer had access to necessary resources that woudl change their lives. Later on in February 2010, Al-Shabab officially decleares that they have begun an alliance with al-Qaeda, with their newfound project being to concentrate troops for a major offensive to capture the capital.
  • United Nations decleares that there is famine in 3 regions of Somalia.

    With the conditions in Somalia decreasing and Al Shabab taking over control, there are limited resources for the Somali population to have constant access to. In 2011, Al Shabab decided to partially lift their ban on foreign aid in the south, allowing the United Nations to airlift their first aid consignments in 5 years to Mogadishu.