

  • Somalis Flee to Ethiopia

    Somalis Flee to Ethiopia
    About 400,000 refugees left Somalia to go to Ethiopia.
  • SNM Formed

    The Somali National Movement was based in Ethiopia and attacked the Somali army. It's main goal was to overthrow Barre.
  • U.S. Gives $80 Million

    Barres regime declared a state of emergency and the United States gave $80 million dollars in economic and millitary aid.
  • Siad Barre Arrests Politicians

    Siad Barre Arrests Politicians
    Siad Barre arrested 17 prominant politicans to try and prove that he held all the power in Somalia.
  • Somali Dissidents Invade Somalia

    Somali Dissidents Invade Somalia
    Somali dissients attacked the center of Somalia. They captured the towns Balumbale and Galdogob and threatened to split Somalia in half.
  • Somali People in Kenya Killed

    Human rights groups say that about 3,000 Somali people were killed by the government for supposedly holding illegal weapons.
  • SNM Attacks Burao

    SNM Attacks Burao
    This army killed tens of thousands of people in cities near Burao.
  • Accused of genocide

    By 1988 the Barre regime was accused of genocide against people in the northern part of Somalia.
  • U.S. Cuts Supplies

    The United States stopped supplying Somalia with weapons and encouraged them to stop fighting.
  • Period: to

    350,000 Somalis Have Died

  • Mohamed Siad Barre Flees

    Mohamed Siad Barre Flees
    In 1991 the President of Somalia fled to Nigeria and left the country without a stable government.
  • United Nations Intervenes

    United Nations Intervenes
    Due to the number of Somali's being affected in the conflict the United Nations brought military to try peacekeeping operations. They hoped to end the conflict and create a safe environment to provide assistance to the people.
  • Red Cross Says Horrifying Levels of Malnutrition

    Red Cross Says Horrifying Levels of Malnutrition
    Nearly 90% of the population near Mogadishu was malnourished and only a third had clean water.
  • Potential for Mass Starvation Overcame

    Only a year after the Red Cross reported the high number of malnourished people things seemed to be a little bit better.
  • United Nations and U.S. Withdraw

    Order had not been restored yet when they withdrew and the conflict continued through the 1990's.