SOLOMON ASCH- born in Warsaw Poland
He was born -
Solomon Asch came to the US when he was 13 years old
Graduated the College of the city of New york with a bachelors degree
He studied the affects of propaganda during WWII
He studied the affects of propaganda during WWII -
Studied the Pressre of social conformity, "The Asch Conformity Experiments"
Studied the Pressre of social conformity, "The Asch Conformity Experiments" -
Published "Effects of group pressure upon the modification and distortion of judgment"
published "Opinions and social pressure"
published "Studies of independence and conformity: A minority of one against a unanimous majority"
He gained the position of Director and Distingushed Professor of phychology at the Institue of Congnitive Studies
He gained the position of Director and Distingushed Professor of phychology at the Institue of Congnitive Studies -
He ended the position of Director and Distingushed Professor of phychology at the Institue of Congnitive Studies
He ended the position of Director and Distingushed Professor of phychology at the Institue of Congnitive Studies -
Published "Social psychology"
He died