A baby

Sole Fields

  • I Was Born

    I Was Born
    I was born in December 20 in 2002 at the Mass General Hospital in Boston massachusettes
  • My little brother

    My little brother
    My little brother, Santos, was born and at first i didn't like him but soon after i grown to love him
  • My little sister

    My little sister
    My sister, Sanaa, was born and i love hr a lot and enjoyed her company every once in a while
  • My first pet

    My first pet
    My first pet was a dog named Scout and i loved scout more than anything in the world. Iraise Scout ever since he was a puppy
  • Disney world

    Disney world
    I went to Disney world with my whole family
  • School

    I went to second grade
  • Japan

    I went to Japan over the summer with my cousin and his girlfriend
  • New York at a party

    New York at a party
    I went to New York to visit my friend for her birthday
  • Hotel in NH

    Hotel in NH
    I went to New Hampshire with my family and we stayed in a hotel for the trip