First Earth Orbiter
First Earth Orbiter lunched by Russian -
First lunar fly by
The luna 1 attempeted lunar impact lunched by Russian -
First lunar impact
It was the first spacecraft to reach the moon they were Russians -
First images of far side of moon
It was the third spacecraft sent to the moon and come back succesfully -
First iunar orbiter
Unmanned lunar space misson sent from -
First lunar flyby and return to Earth
was the closest to go around the moon the distance was 1,95kg -
First Veanes lander
Was the first one to land on a different planet then the Moon -
First Mars Orbiter
Helped in expolring Mars in 1971 sended by -
First jupiter flyby
First one to flyby Jupiter in 1972 send by USA -
First venus orbiter
First space shuttle to go around Venus -
First Earth asteroid
First asteroid orbit and First asteroid landing -
First solar wind sample return
The Genesis spacecraft collected a sample of wind send by USA -
First comet impace
It was designed to study comets -
First comet impact
It was a deep impact and designed to study the composition send by USA -
First martion photo on it's surface
First martion photo they were on Mars