Ptoley states his geocentric of the solar system
Ptoley states his geocentric of the solar system -
Arybata makes many computations about the Earth
He completed the circumference of the Earth, the regularity of eclipses of the sun and moon, and how long the Earths revolution around the sun is. -
Jan 1, 687
First recorded meteor shower
A meteor shower is when -
Jan 1, 800
Ja'far Muhammad ibh Musa ibh Shakir hypothesizes of gravity
Jan 1, 1514
Copernicus' states him heliocentric theory of the solar system
Kepler states his first two laws
Galileo Galilel discovers
Kepler states his third empirical law
Chritiaan Huygens indentififles the rings of saturn
Cassini compute how fast Jupiter, Mars and Venus rotate
Cassini compute how fast Jupiter, Mars and Venus rotate -
Newton Theorizes about gravity
Halley predicts the path of Halley's comet
Gluseppe Piazzi discovers Cere: First discovered asterold
Pluto discovered