Jun 15, 1215
The Magna Carta was signed establishing the foundations of english rights
Nicholas Copernicus developed the heliocentric theory
Galileo used the telescope to support the proof of the heliocentric theory
Apr 1, 1578
William Harvey showed that the heart acted as a pump to circulate blood throughout the body
Johannes Kepler discovered planetary motion
Louis XIV became the king of france
The English Civil War began between the round heads and the cavaliers
Charles I of England was beheaded
WIlliam and Mary became the leaders of England
Oliver Cromwell began his rule of England as the lord protector
The restoration of Charles II-the monarchy was put back in control in england
Peter I became the czar of russia
The palace of Versailles was built under the reign Louis XIV
James II became the king of England
Isaac Newton published his law of gravity
The English bill of rights was passed laying out specific rights on Parliament and putting limits on royal power
St.Petersburg became the capital of Russia under Peter the great
The westernization of Russisa was started by Peter the great
Edward Jenner introduced a vaccine to prevent smallpox