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Sojourner Truth Timeline

  • Truth's Escape from Slavery

    Truth's Escape from Slavery
    After being sold four different times into slavery. Sojourner Truth finally escaped slavery. Her master, John Dumont, had promised to set her free the year before but she was tired of being a slave and refused to have her children live their entire lives as slaves as well.
    This would prepare Truth to be able to help others escaping slavery later in her life. ([])
  • Truth's Love for God

    Truth's Love for God
    Truth met William Lloyd Garrison and Frederick Douglas. She began traveling with them and gave public speeches on the wrongs of slavery.
    This opportunity prepared her in giving her most famous "Ain't I a Woman" speech.
  • Freedom for Peter

    Freedom for Peter
    John Dumont sold Sojourner Truth's eldest son Peter. Who was sold in Alabama where slaves were not free, he would be condemned to a life of slavery. Truth fought for his freedom won, resulted in Truth becoming the first black woman to win a legal case against a white man regarding freedom. This impacted in her being able to help others in fighting for their legal rights as well. ([])
  • The Narrative of Sojourner Truth

    The Narrative of Sojourner Truth
    Truth published her autobiography, The Narrative of Sojourner Truth. Because of this book she was recognized nationally. Upon the many people she met were Susan B. Anthony and advocates for sobriety. This event made it possible for her to deliver the ever famous “Ain’t I a Woman?” speech in Ohio a year later. Inspiring many more activists and by spreading her word of freedom and equal rights. ([])