PSY A313 Sojourner Truth: A Timeline

By rggappe
  • From the Woods to Freedom

    Having been ripped away from her family and sold to work at just the age of 9 years old, Sojourner Truth experienced severe trauma and hardships at the hands of many masters before inevitably landing with slave owners John and Sally Dumont where the abuse continued. In the year 1826, Truth gathered her strength and courage through God as she ran to the woods, far from the Dumonts and never looked back.
  • Changing Her Name

    Sojourner Truth was not the name that she was given at birth. Rather, this was the name that came to her while she was working alongside a local minister in New York City. Having had the presence of some sort of spiritual entity come to her, gone went Isabella Bomfree and born was the speaker of truths, Sojourner Truth.
    I believe that this was the pinnacle of Truth's blossoming advocacy towards abolition of slavery and gender equality.
  • Women's Suffrage

    In the year 1850, Sojourner Truth came into contact with Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton where they bonded over their shared passion towards advocating for the women's suffrage movement. They worked together for a bit, but it was not until shortly after that, where the three of them could not see eye to eye. There was a massive problem of differences in regards to women being given the right to vote and blacks being given freedom.
  • Speaking Her Truth

    At the Women's Rights Convention in Ohio, Sojourner Truth gave her famous speech, "Ain't I a Woman?". I view this part of her life as a major building block in her career as an advocate for gender equality. Her speech at this convention became one of many speeches that she gives from that point on.
  • Resources Editors. (2009, October 29). Sojourner Truth. Retrieved September 15, 2020, from
    Michals, E. (n.d.). Sojourner Truth. Retrieved September 15, 2020, from
    This Far by Faith . Sojourner Truth. (n.d.). Retrieved September 15, 2020, from