social media was "born" one day in the year 1971 when the first email was sent. Two computers were placed next to each other and the message was "qwertyuiop" the first row of letters found on a keyboard. -
The first site ever created
Geocities allowed the users to create and customize their own web sites. The site grouped them into different cities based on the content. Unlike email Geocities allowed users to communicate with much more people from all around the world. -
The first dating site
The first modern social networking site that we define today is Friendster. Friendster was basically a dating site. In the first three months there were a total of 3,000,000 people using the site. -
Linkedin was a more professional website used for business rather than dating. To day LinkedIn has 30 million users. -
Face book
At first you could only join Facebook if you got invited by a member of face book. It was targeted to make college students connect with each other. In it's first month of launching the over half of the 19,500 students from Harvord joined the app. Face book was a more child friendly zone compared to any of the other apps.