
Sofka Skipwith

  • Grandmother

    Sofka was abandoned by her mother. She was raised by her very strict grandmother.
  • Born

    Sofka was born in St Peters-burg. Both her father, Prince Peter Polgorouky, her mother, and Sophy Brobrinska were all members of leading the Russian nobility.
  • College

    Sofka attended the Queen's College in London.
  • Marco Polo

    Marco Polo
    The " Marco Polo Bridge Incident " happened, which led to the ever so lasting war between Japan and China.
  • Period: to

    World War 2

    During World War 2, Sofka was interned by the Nazis. Sofka worked for the French Resistance also.
  • Period: to

    Internment Camp

    Sofka spent World War 2 in a Nazi internment camp before she became a prominent Chelsea Communist.
  • Escaping

    While Sofka was in the camp, she helped dozens of prisoners escape, also smuggled secret messages from the people inside the camp to their family's on the outside. She sent the messages in toothpaste tubes and fruit boxes.
  • Attack

    Hitler attacks Russia using Operation Barbarossa.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    The day Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese.
  • Declare War

    Declare War
    U.S. and Britain declare was on Japan.
  • The Husband

    The Husband
    Sofka was told by camp authorities that Grey ( husband ) was killed in combat. She was deeply upset, she wanted to die. She then decided to start helping other people.
  • Trying to Help the Pole

    Trying to Help the Pole
    During World War 2, Sofka was sent back to England after saying no to the earlier opportunities to try to continue to help the poles.
  • Going Back to the Camp

    Going Back to the Camp
    When Germans were checking passports of the Jews that Sofka helped escape, the Germans came to the conclusion that the paper work was fake. They were at risk of being sent back to the camp.
  • D-Day

    The day the United States invaded Normandy.
  • 'Someone Else.'

    'Someone Else.'
    After Sofka saved many Jews from the camp, she then tried to help them become 'someone else'.
  • Madeleine & Sofka

    Madeleine & Sofka
    Madeleine and Sofka used contacts to the resistance movement to organize getting many children out of the Nazi Internment camp.
  • French Army

    French Army
    When the French Army got defeated, Sofka was arrested by the Germans. Sofka then was put into a prison camp.
  • Fake Documents

    Fake Documents
    Sofka and Madeleine White helped pass out fake documents to over one hundred Jews. Having the fake documents helped them stay out of the concentrations camps.
  • The Infant

    The Infant
    All of the people Sofka helped ended up getting deported to concentration camps. Sofka did manage to save only one infant.
  • Righteous

    Sofka was elected Righteous Among the Nations for her bravery.