Body shape
The ad portrays the female body as too skinny, and it is trying to sell a products to make them gain an easy 10-25 pounds. In the 1920 the nineteenth amendment was passed, giving woman the right to vote, but many believed that women weren't the equal of men and that they didn't need the right to vote. Men were simply superior to women, and they got to decide what goes for example the size/weight of the female body. -
Beat her
The ad is attempting to sell a booklet, which talks about why men should beat their wife's. During this years the great depression took center stage. Stealing the spot light from women and making it difficult to for them to find jobs, if they did find jobs they were discouraged from keeping them and encouraged to let a 'family man' have the job instead. After the 20's the woman had more right but still throughout the 30's they weren't considered equals. -
This ad show woman as finally useful. Duing this time period men had to go to war and women had to step in for them in the work place. Since the war was so big in 1942 the Womens Army Corps was established, so women could fight in the war just like men. The amount of women in the workforce increased 25-35% -
They just want the body
The ad talks about not needing to care about what a females looks are as long as she has a nice body. The 50s was a dull decade. Women were paid less than men and other than having thr right to vote, they didnt have equality. Women were still considered as inferior and expected to marry after school instead of seeking a higher eduction. -
Womans Purpose
The ad portrays women as the chefs of the house, even if the house has a paid chef. During this time period men and women fought agaisnt restrictions in abortation. Pay and professions began to raise and open for woman, when the civil rights act in 1964 was passed. -
Be somebody!
The ad compares women to animals. During this time period the womens strike for equality was the one of the most noteworthy rallies. The strike marked the 50th anniversary of the 19th amendment. Women kept fighting for equality in the work place. -
Blow your mind
This ad shows a women and a sandwhich, and the sandwhich is compared to something innapropriate. This ad makes it look like only women can do the deed and it shows a major gender bias. During this time Sonia Sotomayor was nominated the 111th supreme court justice she becomes the first hispanic american and third women to serve. -
Beach Body
This ad shows the ideal body type a women should have for the beach, to please men. During this time the signing of the California pay act had taken place.