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  • Germany Invasion of Poland

    Germany Invasion of Poland
    Nazi Germany invaded Poland with help of the USSR. Britain and France defended Poland and officially declared war on Germany. This was the first event to cause the giant struggle against the world, and the beginning of World War 2.
  • Fall Of France

    Fall Of France
    Nazi Germany attacked France with a strategic move, defeating them. France surrendered to them and now had to be controlled by the Nazi’s. That caused them to have laws against jews and concentration camps within France.
  • Battle Of Britain

    The German Air Force attacked Britain, but they defended themselves and quickly repelled the attack. It was a strategic victory for the allies and a powerful move from them.
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa
    Nazi Germany launched an attack to the USSR, who were initially their ally. Although the Nazi’s were the ones who started the battle, it ended in their defeat, as the USSR defended themselves from the attack. Germany retreated, and the USSR took control of Berlin.
  • Pearl Harbor attack

    Pearl Harbor attack
    Pearl Harbor was an American naval base in Hawai that was attacked by surprise by Japan. US didn’t have anything to do with WWII at the time, but after that event, they entered the war.
  • USA declares war

    After the Pearl Harbor attack, USA declared war on Japan first and then on Germany. They initially had nothing to do with the war, but after the Japanese destroyed their naval base, they were pulled into it.
  • Mexico declares war

    Mexico declares war
    Before Mexico even entered the war, it was in support of the allies, specially on USA. After Germany sunk two of Mexico’s tankers, Mexico decided to finally join the war with the allies. It had very little impact on the actual war, but they supplied to the United States with the help of the former president Lazaro Cardenas.
  • Battle Of Midway

    Battle Of Midway
    In this battle, the USA managed to overtake the Japanese forces, shifting the balance to the allies. This set motion for the island hopping movement in the US. They started capturing Japanese islands and beginning to defeating them completely.
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    Manhattan Project

    The secret project where the scientist J. Robert Oppenheimer created the first atomic bomb. The first bomb was dropped in Hiroshima, and killed thousands. The second bomb was dropped on Nagasaki. Both of them caused radiation, which was the worst effect of the bomb. It was the first and last use of nuclear weapons in history.
  • Battle Of Stalingrad

    Battle Of Stalingrad
    During Germany’s invasion to the USSR, they invaded Stalingrad, seeking to capture them strategically. The Nazi’s failed and had to retreat due to the weather and the hard conditions. This started the invasion of Berlin, where the soviets took control over a city in Germany.
  • Operation Overlord

    Operation Overlord
    The allies invaded Nazi France by air strike, paratroops and naval forces. They did this is the northern coast of France and it took more than 1.5 million soldiers to do this operation. After heavy fighting, the allies won this battle.
  • Hitler commits suicide

    Hitler commits suicide
    After the allies had taken over Germany, meaning that the Nazi’s were about to lose the war, Hitler made the choice to kill himself. His body was never found, but after his death, the war was labeled as “over”. The Japanese still remained after this event, but the war drastically changed after that point.
  • VE DAY

    VE DAY
    This day marks the time where Germany surrendered its forces unconditionally. After the death of Hitler, the Nazi’s didn’t have anyone to rule them to keep committing the antisemitic genocide, so they had to accept defeat. The Europeans celebrated this day, calling it the VE Day (Victory in Europe).
  • Bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    Bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    With project Manhattan, and the sudden event of Hitler killing himself, USA made the choice to launch their atomic bombs on Japan. The Hiroshima bomb was codenamed “little boy”, while the Nagasaki one was called “fat man”. There were tens of thousands of deaths, mostly innocent, and the worst part was that the war was about to be over when the bombs were dropped. That means that all of those deaths meant nothing, as the war was going to finish either way.
  • VP DAY

    VP DAY
    After the bomb, the authorities were in shock, and it took some time for the word to spread across the world. The Japanese finally surrendered after the bomb and after the USSR invaded their country. After this, the war was officially over.