Socials Project

  • Glorious Revolution

    It was the first attempt to establish democracy in Spain.
  • Approval of the constitution of 1869

    It established universal manhood suffrage, was the sixth spanish constitution.
  • Crowning of Amadeo I

    Crowning of Amadeo I
    Amadeo of Savoy a young italian prince was crowned as king of Spain. Republicans and Carlists rejected him.
  • Beggining of the Third Carlist War

    Beggining of the Third Carlist War
    The third Carlist War started beacause of the self-crowning of Carlos-VII
  • Proclamation of the First Spanish Republic

    The First Republic faced some problems like the Carlist war in Cuba and the insurrection of some towns such as Cartagena, wich proclaimed themselves independent republics.
  • Military Uprising against the Republic

    This brought the restoration of the monarchy, the return of the Bourbon dynasty to power, and the end of the First Republic