
  • seven year war

    seven year war
    the seven year war was a war that was a global conflict between France and great Britain and as the name says it lasted seven years. and in this long time there were a lot of casualties ranging to almost one million and many people say that this war should be considered the first world war since there were so many casualties and how big the impact was on the world
  • battle of Abraham

    battle of Abraham
    the people who were fighting in this battle were the french and the indigenous vs the British, after a long battle the french won and the British and ingenuous allies were defeated. and since they lost they also lost their land giving it to the British and creating Canada
  • Quebec act

    Quebec act
    when the Quebec act was put in place in meant that the province of Quebec would have governance this act only got into place because of the fact that the treaty of Paris was in place as well meaning that with that treaty Britain got some land and that land was Quebec
  • war of 1812

    war of 1812
    this war made the united states go against great Britain this conflict made a lot of the solders die. after many people died and both sides not advancing they thought it was no point in continuing so they signed a treaty to end the war.
  • oregon question

    oregon question
    the Oregon question was basically an agreement between great Britain and the united states and this finalized in 1846 making the borders official and on paper
  • gold rush

    gold rush
    in 1858 there were about thirty thousand gold miners looking for gold in Fraser river and these miners were mainly Americans who were on Britans land and another thing they did not know was that the land they were on was first nations land which caused a lot of obvious problems, although these problems were solved when the Oregon treaty was signed
  • chilcotin war

    chilcotin war
    as workers were building a road thru the first nations land, the people were not happy because they were not consulted before hand so as the workers where sleeping in tents the first nations killed all twelve of them, even if the workers wanted to fight back they could not since there were 24 attackers making if impossible either way. half the attackers were hanged and the other were arrested.
  • confederation

    this was signed in 1867 and made Canada, nova Scotia and new Brunswick would be in one and this was good because it meant they were stronger since they were together and under one roof and this also made more railways
  • treaty of Washington

    treaty of Washington
    this treaty settled the claims of damaged goods in ships due to warships at the time and this treaty also made illegal fishing in Canada waters
  • Indian act

    Indian act
    the Indian act was a turning point in history because this legal document that the government had made them fundamentally own the first nations and control them how they liked and as we looked over history there was a main thing the government wanted to do and it was assimilate them and get rid of the Indian inside the kid
  • north west resistance

    north west resistance
    this war was caused by the influx in meti people and the first nations rapidly moving thru Canada this war lasted about five months and was fought on the land of the first nations
  • white paper

    white paper
    The white pager was introduced in 1969 and it basically stated that it would remove the legal status of indigenous people that once was connected to the Indian act and what this would do is make the indigenous "free" and have them make a good living in Canada with Canadian citizens
  • calder case

    calder case
    The Calder Case was very important for the first nations because once Calder won the case it meant now that the supreme court with recognize that the first nations land was theirs even before colonization as they did not before this case was won
  • Oka crisis

    Oka crisis
    The Oka crisis was a Conflict between the mowhawk people and the town on Oka this fight lasted 78 days with only two causalities the reason for this fight was because there was a golf course and development of houses on the mowhawk peoples land. After this fight ended both of the things that were going to be built were stopped entirely
  • highway of tears

    highway of tears
    For Years and years indigenous women have been going missing and have been killed on highway 16. In total there has been 40 Women that have been killed or have went missing. Not a lot of People know about this event so what happened is that the people who really wanted more of the country to know about this made a book and a documentary.