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By v.bassi
  • Rape Of Nanking

    Rape Of Nanking
    During Sino-Japanese war, Nanking, the capital of China, falls to Japanese forces, and the Chinese government flees to Hankow, further inland along the Yangtze River. Japanese General Matsui ordered the city of Nanking to be destroyed, to break the Chinese spirit .The city was burned, and Japanese butchered abut 150,000 male, massacred 500,000 male civilians and raped at least 20,000 women/girls of any age. Some were killed in the process. Everything was destroyed. Families were separated.
  • Kristallnacht

    Nov 9-10, 1938, German's vandalized Jewish homes, schools, businesses, and killed up to 100 Jews. Kristallnacht aka "Night of the broken glass" in the afternoon, 30,000+ Jewish men were arrested and sent to Nazi concentration camps. All for what? Because Hitler hated Jews. 1,000 synagogues and over 7,000 Jewish businesses in Germany were destroyed.
  • The SS St. Louis

    The SS St. Louis
    May 13, 1939, more than 900 Jews fled Germany on a luxury cruise. They hoped to reach Cuba then travel to the U.S or Canada, however they were turned away and forced to go back to Europe. They were running from the Third Reich. 900 fled, but when they came back, 250 were killed by Nazi's.

  • Evacuation Of Dunkirk 26 May - 4 June

    Evacuation Of Dunkirk   26 May - 4 June
    The evacuation of Dunkirk, code named Operation Dynamo was the evacuation of the Allied soilders during ww2. From the beaches and harbour of Dunkirk, in the north of France, 26 May and 4 June 1940. The operation commenced after large numbers of British, Belgian and French troops were cut off and surrounded by German troops during the 6 week long Battle of France. 338,226 soilders were rescued in 800 boats. They had to evacuate because German forces closed in on them.
  • The Final Solution

    The Final Solution
    The final solution was a code name for the murder of all Jews of Europe. Hitler hated Jews, so he destroyed their homes, businesses, and more. Germany invaded Poland and Soviet Union, they killed many civilians but they also killed Jews. Germany's Allies with Romania and Croatia. Romania itself killed up to 300,00-400,000 jews. Within Poland, if you wanted to kill the jews, you had to use gas chamber. By the end of the war, 6 million had been killed. Like the Auschwitz, families were separated.
  • Japanese Canadians internment

    Japanese Canadians internment
    In 1942, 22,000 Japanese Canadians from B.C were evacuated and interned in the name of "national security". In 1941 Following the attack of Pearl Harbor in Dec, Japanese Canadians were categorized as enemies under the War Measures Act, which began to remove their personal rights. Personal possessions such as homes and businesses, they were all sold. Some who deemed threats were then forced into interment camps. Families were separated all because of those camps.
  • Dieppe Raid

    Dieppe Raid
    August 19, 1942, Allied forces launched "operation Jubilee", a major raid on the French coastal port of Dieppe. It was made to test the Allies ability to launch assaults on Hitler's "fortress Europe". Second Canadian infantry division assaulted the beach at 4 designated sections. 907 Canadian soldiers were killed, 2,460 wounded, and 1,946 captured. Dieppe was selected as the main target for the raid because it was in angle of the British fighter planes.
  • D-Day

    During WW2, the battle of Normandy, which lasted from June to August 1944 resulted in the Allied liberation of Western Europe from Nazi Germany's control. This battle was when some 156,000 American, British, and Canadian forces landed on 5 beaches on the coast of Normandy. They attacked German's force by the coast. 425,000 Allied and German troops were killed, wounded, and went missing.
  • The Conscription Crisis

    The Conscription Crisis
    During ww2, this was a political and military crisis following the introduction of forced military service for men in Canada. It was very similar to the one in 1917, but this is not as politically damaging. Some Canadian provinces voted yes for and some said no, like Quebec. So PM Mackenzie King passed the law that allowed conscription if necessary. The idea started when Belgium & France fell to the Nazi’s in June 1940. 12,900+ Canadians were conscripted but only 2,463 got to the front lines.
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    Liberation of the Netherlands

    The Allied forced closed in on Germany from all sides. The 1st Canadian army played a major role in the liberation of the Dutch people who had suffered terrible hunger and harship. Canadian forces were given the important and deadly task of liberating the Netherlands from Nazi occupation. Canadians were greeted as heros. 76,00+ Canadians died fighting in the Netherlands.
  • VE Day

    VE Day
    VE Day is celebrated on May 8th, 1945. On the streets. This holiday is to mark the defeat of Germany by the Allied forces in WW2. Marks the end of war for Europe. Also marks the formal acceptance by the Allies of WW2 of Nazi Germany's surrender.
  • Potsdam Declaration

    Potsdam Declaration
    U.S, U.K, and China. July 26, 1945, calling for Japan to surrender. This was discussed at the Potsdam Conference near end of WW2. U.S president Harry S. Truman, British PM Winston Churchill, and Chinese nationalist leader Chiang Kaishek thus drafted a declaration for Japan's surrender and made dire warnings if the country failed to put down its weapons. So on August 6th, 1945, U.S dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. So on August 15, Japan officially surrendered.
  • Death of Hitler

    Hitler was afraid the Russians were gonna get to him, so he asked his doctor whats the best way to kill yourself. He told him, cyanide and shooting. So then Hitler and his wife Eva went to his bunker and locked themselves. Eva took the pill and died, while Hitler took the pill and shot himself. Some people don't believe in his "death". I mean I don't, its just hard to believe he would do something like that. After his death, Germany surrendered and the war ended in Europe.
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    atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    U.S dropped an atomic bomb on Japense cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This marked the end of ww2. U.S did this to bring the war with Japan to an end. They launched the bomb on Hiroshima first, and U.S president Truman asked Japan to surrender. When they didn’t, that’s when they launched another one but on Nagasaki, just 3 days later. Long term effects of this bombing are, the radiation exposure increased cancer rates. Children are born with disabilities and are at a high risk of genetic disease.
  • The Manhattan Project. started 1939-1946

    The Manhattan Project. started 1939-1946
    This was a code name for American-led effort to develop an atomic bomb during ww2. Was started in response to fears that German Scientists had been working on a weapon using nuclear technology. Canada helped by working on nuclear research at several sites. Einstein began the project. Positive effects of the bomb was that it put an end to WW2 by using weapons of such that forced Japan to surrender. Negative effects are that it also gave other countries an opportunity to develop nuclear weapons.