Socials 11 - World War 2

  • Germany led by Hitler invades Poland

    Germany led by Hitler invades Poland
  • Britain and France declare war on Germany

    Following Germany's invasion of Poland, Britain and Franc issue an ultimatum for Germany to withdraw, when it's ignored, Britain and France declare war on Germany.
  • Canada declares war on Germany.

    Canada declares war on Germany.
    The war begins for Canada
  • Canadian soldiers arrive in Britain.

    The first Canadian soldiers arrive in Britain.
  • Allied forces evacuate from France at Dunkirk

    Allied forces evacuate from France at Dunkirk
    Over 300 000 Allied soldiers are successfully evacuated at Dunkirk over several days. This is a famous rescue operation that involves hundreds of civilian boats who help.
  • Belgium falls to Germany

  • Canada declares war on Italy.

    Canada declares war on Italy.
  • France officially surrenders to Germany

  • The Canadian government announces conscription

    The Canadian government announces conscription
    Canadian males between the ages of 21 and 24 were required to go to war if called.
  • Tripartite Act

    Germany Japan and Italy create this act which means any enemy of one is an enemy of all.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbour

    Attack on Pearl Harbour
    Japan attacks the USA at Pearl Harbour, Hawaii
  • The USA and Britain declare war on Japan

    Following the attack on Pearl Harbour the USA officially enters World War 2.
  • Mass murder of the Jewish People begins

    Mass murder of the Jewish People begins
    Following increasing restrictions of freedoms, Jewish people in German occupied areas are rounded up into ghettos. Later they are moved to concentration camps where they are used for slave labour or simply killed in huge numbers. This continues until the end of the war and is known as the Holocaust. Millions of Jews died. Hitler called it the Final Solution and it was his plan to kill all the Jews in the world.
  • Operation Rutter in Dieppe France

    Operation Rutter in Dieppe France
    Canadian troops attack Dieppe, France and are defeated
  • Sicily is back in Allied hands.

    Sicily is back in Allied hands.
    Allies have a foothold in Italy
  • Canadian troops participate in Operation Goodwood

    Over several days Canadian and British troops battled to capture Caen from the Germans and are eventually successful moving farther into France
  • My Great-Grandfather in Uniform

    My Great-Grandfather in Uniform
    This is picture of my great grandfather Harvey Waldman who served for Canada in World War 2. He sent this picture to his mom during his time away form home. He was never sent overseas, but worked from a based in the maritimes.
  • D day

    D day
    Canadian troops land in France on the beaches of Juno. Allied troops captured other beaches in France. While many soldiers die in the fighting, the D day mission is successful. This is a major turning point win the war for the Allies.
  • Germany surrenders Normandy

    Germany surrenders Normandy
    10,000 German soldiers killed, and 50,000 more are taken prisoner when Germany surrenders in Normandy.
  • Paris is liberated by the arriving Allies.

    Allies arrive in Paris and free the city of Nazi control. As Paris is a major European city this was another big turning point for the allies.
  • Hitler kills himself

    Hitler commits suicide after the Russian army takes Berlin
  • VE Day - Germany surrenders

    VE Day - Germany surrenders
    The allies declare victory in Europe.
  • VP Day - Japan surrenders

    After the USA dropped two atomic bombs on Nagasaki, Japan and Hiroshima, Japan, Japan surrenders and World War Two is offically over