I was born in Feb 20, 1997 in Arlington, Texas and thats how I learn to walk and also laugh when I was about 2 or 3-years-old. -
when i was about 5 or 4 i went to preschool and i use to have friends then the next 2 or 3 years we moeved to iowa and it was in Cedar Rapids. -
In 2002 i started school at Clevlend Elementry school which its a good place to go to and you can make very good friends. This school starts from Kindergarden to fifth grade. -
When I started on my 1st grade level I had made some newer friends that i don't know but there are some I know which he's sometimes a trouble maker in first grade but he was a good friend. My teacher for first grade was Mrs. Furry and she was a good teacher also she teaches me spelling, reading, and all the stuffs that she tought me. -
On October 31, 2003 we were partying in our class room and same goes to the rest of the class in Cleveland school. When we are ready to put on our costume we walk on a line around the school like going to the back of the school and then the front and that's it. -
When i started 2nd grade it was kind of fun cause we were writing about butterflies and waited until they turn into a cocune. When they hatch we have to go outside and set them free. -
I had my first bestfriend and he was also funny and helpful too also a very good friend. -
On my first day to fifth grade it was easy cause I am getting fast on my math test and I was not the only one that is fast and it was my friend. -
Middle school
This is the year of 2008 which is the flood of 2008 and that's when I went to my first day ofd sixth grade which it is kind of hard cause sometimes I almost got lost in a school cause that school is a shape of a square. -
middle school
On december it was very frezeing cause we have to wait outside for the bell and it was not cool what they did. -
middle school
it was kind of awesome when i made some friends that i don't know but i get along with them and -
Middle school
In Christmas i had my first PSP which it means PlayStation Portable and they say it was very exspensive and i waited until 2010 which i moved to a different school and i moved to this school in 7th grade in prairie point. -
school middle
This is the years when i started 8th grade and i really made a lot of new friends the go's to this school and until next year of 2011 i meet my new friends in prairiepoint and they are funny too and that is it then 9th grade goes on to my life.