Welfare Given to Disabled Veterans
The government took direct responsibility for only disabled people.
-Financial Support Pensions
-"Worthy Poor" -
Welfare was Given to The Disabled
The Government took responsibility for disabled.
-Financial pensions to support them. -
First permanent school for the deaf I the United States was opened in Hartford, Connecticut. -
Social Security
Provided funds for seniors, blinds, and disabled children. Also, provided rehabilitation and training programs for disabled. -
American Federation for the Physically Handicapped Founded
-Founder Paul Strachan
-Gave people with disabilities a voice in government
-Protested against discrimination
-Protested against legislation on their behalf -
The American National Institute Inc.
Making buildings accessible for the physically handicapped. -
President John F. Kennedy Calls for Deinstitutionalization
-Strengthen rehabilitation and educational programs
-More community services were established for people with disabilities. -
Medicare and Medicaid were Established
With Social Security amendments, federal healthcare was provided disabled and elderly Americans.
-made more people eligible for disability benefits. -
Voting Rights Act
Made voting accessible for people with disabilities and allowed them to receive assistance from a person of their choice