Acadians are expelled from their homes
The Acadians were expelled from their home because they refused to take an oath to be loyal to the british. This devastated the population and the economy in the region. This is important to Canadian identity because Canada apologized to the descendents of the Acadian people for doing what they did to their ancestors. -
The Battle on the Plains of Abraham
This was a battle between the French and British over the fate of new France, and what would later be Canada. This is important to Canadian identity because of the fact Britain won and became the reigning power over Canada until we gained independence. That being said, French culture is still very important in Canada today. -
The Royal Proclamation
This proclamation was the first step towards treating First Nations people with dignity and respect. It set out that only the crown was able to buy land from Aboriginal people, and that they should not be disturbed by settlers. This is very important to Canadian identity because it was very forward thinking for this time and began to give First Nations people respect. -
Lord Durham’s report
This event is an example of an assimilation policy, but this was ineffectual because French is a very common language in Canada, since it is one of our official languages. Even though assimilation was encouraged it did not work and francophone culture is very prominent in Canada. -
LaFontaine and Baldwin fight for Responsible Government
These two Men created something that is important to our democratic country. Responsible government is when the majority of the parliament supports the government. This comes in the form of a confidence vote from the House of Commons. What these two guys fought for makes sure that our government is acting in the best interest of the people. This is important to Canadian identity because it helps uphold democracy. -
This act unified the territories of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia into a new Dominion of Canada. This act also set out provisions for other colonie such as BC to join the Union. This act also set out a lot of constitutional functions for this new Dominion. This is important to Canadian history because this was the beginning of Canada and started the constitution. -
The Indian Act
The Indian Act was first created in order to control indigenous communities, and assimilate them. This is important to Canadian identity because Canada had to apologize for many things that were in the Indian act. Reconciliation is a big part of Canada's identity, because we are trying to repair our relationship with Indigenous people. -
Louis Riel's Execution
Louis Riel is a very important part of Canadian and Metis history. He formed a provisional government that led to the creation of the Manitoba Act. He was the founder of Manitoba, and was a political leader for the Metis people. His execution was a major event in Metis History because it impacted the Metis negatively where they became more marginalized. -
Chinese head Tax is implmented
This event is a less respectable event in Canadian history because it has roots of discrimination. This happened because Canada did not want lots of immigrants from China, but needed them in order to be workers for the CPR.
This is important to Canada's history because Canada did not want Chinese immigrants and it led to many laws (that now do not exist) to discriminate against Chinese people. -
The Manitoba Schools Question
This was an issue affecting public funding for schools for Roman Catholics and Protestants. They wanted Francophones to be able to receive an education in their language and religion. It became an issue during the election because it divided Conservatives, and offended the Catholics because the French Language was being eliminated. -
Important Battles of WW1
These battles show that Canada deserved independence because of how successful they were during these battles in world war 1 and 2. It was impressive that a Dominion of Britain was able to be so successful and capture land that was very important to helping the war efforts. It is important to Canadian history because we can be proud of the soldiers who fought on behalf of Canada. -
Conscription Crisis in WW1
Even though this was an unfortunate event in Canada's history, we are all grateful for the sacrifices those soldiers made, and respect and praise them to this day for doing our country justice. It brings pride to canadians that we have people who fought for our country -
Japanese Internment
This event in Canadian history is an example of Ultranationalism. It is another dark part of Canadas past. This event ignited debates about the constitution because this new rule made The Japanese prisoners in their own home, and this was not constitutional in the slightest. In 1988 Canada apologized to Japanese Canadians for the residual trauma and cultural damage that the internment camps caused. It is important to remember this because our government has to learn fromthe past and do better. -
Project Surname
This was a project by the government to give last names to Inuit people to replace their disc numbers. This project was an effort of humanitarianism because people felt the disc numbers were inhumane, and they were ab;e to choose their own last names. This is an important event because this gave Inuit people the chance to no longer be recognized by a number. -
The White Paper on Aborigional Rights
This document was to abolish other documents that discriminate against Indigenous people. And according to the government was to bring equality among all Canadians and give everyone the same opportunities. But it ended up being rejected because it would have erased any rights written by the Indian act, it was not because the government was in favor of the act but they did not want all other legislative claims to be erased. -
Bill 101 is passed
This law made French the dominant language of Quebec, it became the “Normal” language of all things in business, courts, government, etc. This is important to Canadian identity because we are a bilingual country, but Quebec is very set on being fully french, which is not allowed under the constitution. Because Canadians have the right to education in French or English but making French the more predominant language restricted access to English language. -
NEP is implemented
This program guarantees Canadian consumers access to Canadian oil and gas at set prices. This is important to Canadian identity because it helps Canadian citizens and attempts to make things predictable and help build revenue for the government. -
Quebec refuses to sign the Constitution
The main reason for Quebec to be hesitant in signing the constitution was because of Bill 101, the constitution protects english language rights and Bill 101 was trying to make French the major language of Quebec without being fair to english speaking people, this is important to Canadian identity because our country protects the rights of all people and wants our country to remain bilingual. -
Canada offcially adopts Multiculturalism
This in my opinion should be a proud thing that Canada achieved. Being multicultural is what I generally think of when I think of Canada because we proudly celebrate many cultures and do not have one that assimilates other cultures. Unlike the United States -
The Supreme Court determines Turbans are allowed in the RCMP
This event shows that canada is reasonable and fair when it comes to religion, because we are multicultural and they respect other cultures when it comes to rules that have grey area, such as the uniform for the RCMP -
The Oka Crisis
This was a protest to not have an indigenous burial ground cleared out to make room for commercial land. This major event in aboriginal history shows that protesting, which is a right and freedom that any Canadian has, is something that can create change. This crisis made people more aware of indigenous rights and land claims. -
The second referendum for Quebec to seperate
This event shows that people can exercise their constitutional right to vote, even though the vote did not go through because the majority voted not to separate, it still shows that canadians can vote to make a difference. This contributes to different political perspectives, and tells the government when people are not happy. -
Canada apologizes fro Residential Schools
Canada apologizing for residential schools was a big step towards reconciliation with the First Nations People and is still important to this day. Residential schools are part of the dark side of Canada's history and are not something we should be proud of as Canadians. This apology was to help reconnect the government with Aboriginal people of Canada.