Proclomation of Nuetrality
In this event the country wanted to go fight a war and help france. But while they tried and tried again Washington kept saying that the country needed to stay neutral. -
Alien and Sedetion Acts
In the Alien and Sedition Acts John Adams wanted to pass a law about if Aliens ever invaded so that they would be safe from them -
War with Tripoli
In the war with Tripoli, the country of Tripoli now the capital of Libya required money for trade ships to pass from protection for pirate attacks. Thomas Jefferson refused to make additional payments. Leading to a war in the sea or a naval war against Tripoli. The us and Tripoli were in a war for the next 4 years. After the war Jefferson increased the size of the navy. -
Louisiana Purchase
In 1803 Washington wanted to purchase a huge land of mass called the Louisiana purchase -
Monroe Doctrine
In 1823 the united states wanted peace so the set to remove all Hispanic people from the country -
Tariff of Abomonations
In the Tariff of Abominations John Quincy Adams approved the Tariff of 1828 which meant states would have to pay more taxes for manufactured goods especially if they did not have industry in that region. When John Quincy Adams approved of this he started to make the south pay more for foreign goods. -
Trail of Tears
The Trail of Tears was a event that happened in the process of the Indian removal act of 1830 President Andrew Jackson wanted 5 tribes to leave to the other side of the Mississippi that had been designated and called Indian Territory. The 5 tribes included the Cherokee, Seminole, Muscogee, Chickasaw, and the Choctaw tribes were all forced to leave their homes and they called it the Trail of Tears.http://www-tc.pbs.org/wgbh/aia/part4/images/4tear44b.jpg