Day I was born
This is the day I was born. I am glad that this day happened. -
First Birthday
My first birthday. I was covered in cake. -
The Day I got a little brother
My little brothers birthday. My family is now a family of four. -
First trip to disney
My first trip to Disney. My parents supprised me about the trip. -
First day of cub scouts
The day I joined cub scouts. I eventullay got the arrow of light. -
The day I got my first little sister
I now have a little sister. She now controls the whole house. -
Tenth Birthday
The day I became a two digit midgit. I also got my i-pod that day. -
The day I got my second little sister
The day I became a big big big brother. She does not control the whole house, at least not yet. -
First day of middle school
The day I went from to elementary school to middle school. It was a big change. -
First trip to Canada
My first time traveling out of the country. Niagara Falls is such a beautiful sight to see.