Social studies project By:Danny Heck

  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Hawaii gives the United States access to Pearl Harbor. It was a very good strategic naval base and helped us keep an eye on other countries. (Picture from
  • Grover Cleveland

    Grover Cleveland
    Grover Cleveland is elected president. He was inagurated on
    Wednesday, March 4 1885.(Picture from
  • Sino-Japanese war ends

    Japan wins Sino-Japanese war over China. Japan had recently been a weaker country, but Europe helped to modernize Japan and Japan became a world power.
  • William Mckinley is elected.

    William Mckinley is elected.
    William McKinley is elected president. William Mckinley was President during the Spainish American war and was inagurated on thursday, March 4 1897 (Picture from
  • Spanish American war

    The S.S Maine was destroyed in Spainish territory and the United States blamed it on Spain. We then declared war on Spain and Theodore Roosevelt the attack on Carribean Sea.
  • Boxer Rebelion

    Boxer Rebelion
    The Boxer Rebelion starts in China.Chinese people do not aprove of all the foriegners so they rebel. ( picture from
  • Theodore Roosevelt is Elected.

    Theodore Roosevelt is Elected.
    Theodore Roosevelt is elected president of the United States. Theodore Roosevelt was inagurated on Saturday march 4 1905 (Picture from
  • Republic of Panama.

    Republic of Panama.
    The Republic of Panama is created. The Panama Canal was created there and greatly increased Trade value. (Image from
  • Russo-Japanese War

    The Russo-Japanese War begins. Japan and Russa were both trying to gain land so they ended up fighting
  • William Howard Taft is Elected

    William Howard Taft is Elected
    William Howard Taft is elected President of the United States. He was the fattest president. He was stuck in a bathtub.