Violence with Native Americans (1785-1795)
-Native Americans of the Northwest Territory wanted to keep their land
-the government settled on a treaty to keep peace with the natives, who were given goods
-showed how to deal with local disputes over land
-the Native land became America’s and are still in our posession -
George Washington is Inaugurated in the First U.S Election
George Washington takes office in the first ever U.S presidential election -
George Washington appoints first Cabinet.
-George Washington created a group of people who could help him make decisions that he found difficult to make himself
-it included several secretaries who each could give advice in specialized areas
-the standards for the members of the president’s cabinet were set as well as the jobs that they do -
National Court System is set up.
-George Washington approved of the General Judiciary Act, which created three levels of federal courts and defined the powers and relationships of state courts
-the court system remains relevant to this day and also set the procedure in which the court functions in each case -
Thanksgiving Proclamation
-George Washington made the holiday of Thanksgiving a formal holiday
-Created a widely-observed national holiday that has been celebrated widespread for centuries
-Set up the expectation for the kind of holidays a president could set up. -
The Pennsylvania Whiskey Rebellion
-A rebellion occurs regarding the tax on whiuskey
- By combating it, Washington exerted that the federal government still had power, armed resistance in the area was exterminated.
-Farmers were encouraged to vote in order to have a say in the laws.
-The federal government was given the expectation to put down any rebellions that disturb the peace and could become violent.
-A line between rebellion and peaceful protest was drawn where the government could and couldn't intervene -
President James Monroe is Inaugurated
President James Monroe takes the White House for his first day as U.S President -
McCulloch v.s. Maryland Supreme Court Case
-Maryland was charging taxes on a national bank
-McCulloch opposed this and went to court
-It helped establish the Necessary and Proper Clause, which is still used today
-established the supremacy of the national government
- It's important because whenever there is a conflict, it is easier to solve, since the state governments have to listen to the federal government
-Similar to what Washington did because they both helped to define powers of both the state and federal governments -
Start of Major U.S Sectionalism
-North and South divided
-Different ideas on future of country (economy)
-North: favored protective tariffs, manufacturing
against slavery
-South: favored slavery, agriculture
against protective tariffs
-Washington presidency: united
-Monroe presidency: many different opinions -
Missouri Compromise
-Added Missouri as a slave state
-Maine as free state
-Banned slavery north of the 36° 30’ line
-Impacted the future of the country because it kept the North and South from a war for 41 years, until the start of the civil war
-Similar to Washington because they both wanted to keep peace
-Missouri Compromise kept peace in the U.S., while Washington mostly focused on keeping peace with other countries -
Gibbons v.s. Ogden Supreme Court Case
-Gibbons and Ogden owned steam ship businesses
-Ogden had exclusive rights to a waterway between New York and New Jersey
-Gibbons sued him because he said that states shouldn’t have the right to claim waterways between states
-It established the fact that the national government had the right to control interstate commerce
-Similar to what Washington did because they both helped to set up national and state powers -
President Barack Obama takes office
Obama takes the office for the first day in his career in his inauguration. -
The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act
-Protected people of all race, religion, sex, etc. from any discriminatory pay.
-Heavily focused on women as they were being payed far less than the men performing the same task.
-Very different from anything past presidents had done because in the early years of the U.S.A women had little to no rights. Now the president is standing up for them and giving them a voice, something no pre-WWII president would've been likely to do. -
Obama 2010 Tax Cuts
-Obama signed a $858 billion dollar tax cut bill
-Extended Bush's tax cuts through 2012
-added $120 million to the spendable income of U.S workers.
-Similar to past events of presidents as it focused on the economical struggles of the government. -
Obamacare / Affordable Care Act Implemented
-Helped millions of people receive health care despite lack of money.
-helped lower the amount of money spent on health care by federal govt.
-Added about 940 billion dollars to the federal govt. budget.
-Similar to past acts by presidents as it focused on the U.S economy.
-Similar to how Washington's cabinet member, Alexander Hamilton, wanted to implement a national bank and currency system, both were implemented to help economically benefit the government. -
Obama Raises Fuel Efficiency Standards
-Required all cars and trucks to obtain 54.5 MPG by the year 2025.
-Implemented to reduce the amount of oil barrels used in the U.S by 12 billion barrels.
-Saved U.S drivers $1.7 Trillion.
-Reduced the amount of damage done by climate change by reducing the amount of greenhouse gases.
-Very different from anything past presidents had done as no pre-WWII presidents had expressed much attention or care towards the physical environment of the U.S.