Social Studies Mini Project

By Caidryn
  • Period: 1029 to


    US stopmarket crash led to rhe Great Depression and effected WWII because it made European countries disire more land
  • March 7, 1936

    March 7, 1936
    Hitler sent troops to the Rhineland, an old section of Germany along the Rhine Riiver, where they were not allowed
  • Oct 27, 1936

    Oct 27, 1936
    To establish the greatness of Italy and create an empire, Mussolini invaed Ethopia in 1936
  • Nov 9, 1938

    Nov 9, 1938
    On this night, violence aimed specifically at the Jews broke out in the streets of the Third Reich
  • June 6,1944

    June 6,1944
    Allies still encountered stiff resistance from the Germans when they landed at a series of points farther east along the Normandy cost on D-Day. (The invasion had to be postponed due to bad weather)
  • Dec 1, 1944

    Dec 1, 1944
    Another Allied Victory against Hitlers forces on Germany's western border at the Battle of the Bulge, in December 1944, ended serious German resistance in the west
  • Sept 2, 1945

    Sept 2, 1945
    World War II is over
  • April 12, 1945

    April 12, 1945
    President Roosevelt having suffered years of medical complications had died suddenly on this day from a massive stroke.
  • April 30, 1945

    April 30, 1945
    With allied forces virtually at his doorstep, Adolf Hitler killed himself in his bunker in Berlin
  • May 8, 1945

    May 8, 1945
    The remaining german forces surrendered unconditionally on May 8th bringing "V-E-Day" (Victory in Europe
  • Aug 6, 1945

    Aug 6, 1945
    The U.S. sent a lone American bomber to drop an atomic bomb Hiroshim, Japan killing 80,000
  • Sept 3, 1945

    Sept 3, 1945
    Allies held officially surrender ceremonies in Tokyo Bar White Americans at home celebrated "V-J-Day" (Victory in Japan)
  • July 16, 1945

    July 16, 1945
    At Postdam, Truman learned that the first atomic bomb had been exploded in Almagordo, New Mexico
  • Aug 9, 1945

    Aug 9, 1945
    Another Atomic weapon was dropped on Nagaskai killing more than 70,000 people
  • Nov 20, 1945

    Nov 20, 1945
    Nurembur War Crimes trails begin