Social Studies

  • Aug 3, 1492

    Christopher Columbus Lands

    Christopher Columbus firsts sails to the United States while attempting to get to India. He was the first European to land there and is the official discoverer.
  • George Washington

    He was the 1st president of the United States and the leader in the American Revolutionary War.
  • Boston Massacre

    British soldiers shot civilians while escorting a sentry. Many were killed and this influenced rebellion.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boxes of tea being shipped were thrown off ships into the Boston harbor. This was done by Americans dressed up as Indians.
  • Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration was made to separate the United States from Great Britain. It was signed by the current important people of America like Thomas Jefferson.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    A piece of land bought from Napoleon Bonaparte because the French needed money.
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    Lewis and Clark Expedition

    Lewis and Clark were sent on an expedition to explore the west side of the United States. They met Native Americans and told the best places to continue expanding.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Andrew Jackson signed this law to allow the Indians in the south to move so that america could move into their land.
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    Mexican American War

    The Mexicans and Americans were fighting over the land along the border of both countries. This included California and New Mexico.
  • Election of 1860

    The election when Abraham Lincoln was voted president. Some thought he was racist and some didn't, but he wanted to get rid of slavery.
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    Civil War

    A war within American that was between the North and the South. It was to let slaves be free. The south wanted to keep slaves and the north didn't.