During 1783 and 1784 about 7500 loyalists settled in present day Ontario, and 200 in Quebec.
Several of the merchants have formed the North West Company.
Metis settled in the Red River Valley.
The War of 1812
Colonists came to the Red River Valley.
Thompson resigned from the NWC.
Immagrants came to Upper and Lower Canada and life was based on the Seignueral System.
HBC and NWC merge into one company
Durham's Report was issued.
Durham Report was created.
British immigration to Canada resulted in an increase in population from 71,000 in 1806 to 432,000 in 1841.
British Columbia was created.
Douglas ordered the construction of the Cariboo Wagon Road.
Quebec Conferance was held.
McDonald's government lost by 2 points
Quebec Conferance began.
Cariboo Wagon Raod was finished.
Confederation was defeated and there was a huge parade through the streets of St.John's.
An HBC trader arrived in Fort Victoria carrying gold dust and nuggets he had panned along the banks of the Thompson River.
Canada becomes a dominion
Canada became a dominion
Most of Barkerville was destroyed by fire.
1/4 of the population of Canada was of Irish origin.
British Columbia joined Confederation with the promise the construction of the CPR (Canadian PAcific Railway) within 10 years.
Sir Hugh Allen formed the CPR Company, a company that seemed to be Canadian but was actually controlled by James Cook.
The last spike was driven into the CPR at Craigellachie.