Jun 15, 1215
Magna Carta
This English Charter was published in 1215 and updated in the 13th century. It had rules for "freemen". -
State Of Nature
It is a term in political philosophy. It uses Romans 2:12-16 and is to be followed by the Jewish nation. -
Mayflower Contract
The origional version was hand written by William Bradford. The original document was lost. -
This was created in 18th centry Europe. It was created to moblize the power of reason to reform society. -
Two Treatise of Government
It was published anonymously in 1689 by John Locke. The first part is about ...... and the second part is about natural rights. -
English Bill of Rights
It lays down limits on power. This became very big in England. -
Spirt of Laws
This is one of Montesquieu's works. It has to do with censorship and creates the seperation of power. This is where we get our three branches of goverment. -
Social Contract
Jean-Jacques Rousseau created the Social Contract in 1762. This says that citizens can change laws and leaders throught a vote. -
Continental Congress
Old, rich, white, men met from 1774 to 1789 to dicuss Britian's prices and monney. They lacked power. -
Articles of Confederation
1781 was the last year the Articals of Confederation was published in the United States. They didn't want a king telling eveyone what to do, but was later replaced by the constitution and a president. -
Common Sense
Common Sense was written by Thomas Paine. This piece was the first to be published in another country. -
Natural Rights
John Locke dicussed natural rights in his work.