Social Structure

  • 1503

    Encomienda system

  • 1550

    Encomienda is replaced with repartimiento

  • Bacon's Rebellion

  • Great Awakening

  • Stono Rebellion

  • Middle Passage

  • Declaration of Independence signed

  • Nat Turner Slave Rebellion

  • William Lloyd Garrison AntiSlavery Society

  • Seneca Falls Convention

  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

  • George Fitzhugh Slavery Justification

  • Dred Scott case decision

  • John Brown Raid

  • Emancipation Proclamation

  • 13th Amendment is ratified

  • 14th Amendment is ratified

  • 15th amendment is ratified

  • Rockefeller Monopoly

  • Great Railroad Strike

  • Haymarket Square Riot

  • Dawes Act of 1887

  • Battle of Wounded Knee

  • Harlem Renaissance

  • 19th Amendment ratified

  • Navajo Code Talkers

  • Women Army Coprs

  • Rosie the Riveter