
Social Scares Timeline

  • Marines in Lebanon

    Marines in Lebanon
    Palestine invaded Lebanon. Reagan sent peacekeeping troops there, however a suicide bomb was placed killing 200 troops. Therefore, Reagan withdrew the troops. This left many families back home with an abundance of sorrow and sadness.
  • 1993 WTC Bombing

    1993 WTC Bombing
    February 26th, 1993, the World Trade Center was bombed in the parking garage leaving a 5 story deep hole. The towers were filled with tenants, tourists, teachers, students, children, and it took a total of 4 hours to evacuate all the people This created a sense of doubt in the security that Americans feel.
  • 9/11

    On September 11th, 2001, the world trade buildings were terrorized a second time. Two planes had purposely crashed into both of the towers, causing massive chaos and a large amount of fatalities. This was a turning point for America in that the "great nation" wasn't prepared to deal with this catastrophe.