Social network during the years

  • SixDegrees

    This website had the aim of combining amorous encounters without the danger of false identities and without the presence of malicious people.
  • Linkedin

    It allows you to build your network, explore new opportunities, monitor the progress of companies and people, improve your professional reputation and be inspired by other professionals.
  • Friendster

    had the aim of offering users the ability to create blogs, personal profiles, access to groups and view content such as photos, music and videos.
  • Facebook

    It is a free web service that allows you to connect with your friends near and far and open new relationships.
  • YouTube

    allows the sharing and viewing of multimedia content on the network (video sharing): on the site it is possible to view video clips, trailers, short films, news, live streaming, slideshows and other content such as video blogs, short original videos, ...
  • Twitter

    is a social network or, a very popular micro-blogging service that allows you to communicate through short messages, photos and videos to be published from computers, smartphones and tablets.
  • Tumblr

    Tumblr is a microblogging and social networking platform that allows you to create a tumblelog offering the possibility for users to create a blog where they can post multimedia content
  • Instagram

    It is a social network dedicated to sharing and publishing photos and videos: Instagram users have a personal profile on which to upload photos and videos, thus sharing the moments of their day with the people of their network (followers).
  • Askfm

    is a social networking service based on a "question-answer" interaction. The aim of the site is to write questions about the profile of other members.
  • Pinterest

    allows users to create bulletin boards in which to catalog images on web pages based on predefined themes or chosen by them.
  • Snapchat

    is a messaging app for mobiles and tablets. It became famous because it allows you to share photos and short videos that disappear, destroying themselves automatically, shortly after being received by the recipient. ... Otherwise, you can hold it down to create a video.
  • TikTok

    It is a social network that allows you to share clips of 15 or 60 seconds combined with music, sound effects and filters. The clips include ballet, comic mini-sketches, musical parodies or lip-sync, and are characterized by a very fast assembly.
  • Meta

    is the new name of facebook. its goal is to revolutionize the old Facebook.