Social Media Timeline Mr Brandon Ramirez Mera

  • Facebook release

    Facebook came out to the public, originally with the name "thefacebook" limited to just harvard students
  • Reddit

    Reddit got released to the public in the year of 2005 on June, a little over a year after facebook.
  • Twitter launch

    Twitter was released by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone and Evan Williams with the intention of it being a platform for messaging in small chat rooms.
  • Instagram

    The 6th day of October 2010 Instagram was born alongside my classmate Horacio. In two months It reached a million users and a billion by 2018
  • Pinterest realease date

    Ben Silbermann, Paul Sciarra, and Evan Sharp created pinterest, the development started in 2009 and by 2010 it realeased to family and friend of these indviduals. It was released to the publc in 2012.
  • Instragram logo change

    By may of 2016, Instagram decided to change their classic old logo to a more modern logo.
  • X

    By 2023, the multi-billionaire Elon Musk bought twitter for 44 billion dollars from Meta.