social Media Timeline

  • the first social media site was invented

    Six Degrees was invented the first social media site. Lasted from 1997 to 2001
  • Lindkin and Myspace was invented

    Myspace was made to make friends. But it was to promote music and to find artists. It was one of the original social media sites
  • Facebook became a social media website

    Facebook became a social media website
    Facebook was launched to Harvard students as an exercise. It was on Harvard's as a campus-only site for two years.
  • Facebook Launched to the public

    Facebook Launched to the public
    Facebook launched to the public. But it was considered a big business. There were billions of apps that were built into the app
  • Twitter joined the party

    Twitter joined the party
    In 2006 CEO Jack Dorsey created social app Twitter. The app allowed users to tweet using 140 characters or less
  • 2010

    More social media sites are using tv to promote their apps. Some examples would be twitter and Facebook. It was also for businesses to put adds on the apps
  • Instagram became an app

    Instagram became an app
    The app was designed to let users to share photos to their followers. The app is owned by Facebook.
  • Snapchat

    Snapchat was used for people to be able to take pictures and send them to people. The pictures were seen for a short amount of time
  • Facebook legal issues

    Facebook legal issues
    Facebook bug effects users private information. Facebook fixes the bug and then tells the users that were affected by it
  • Snapchat Legal problems

    Snapchat Legal problems
    Snapchat maps could be dangerous for children's safety. It is dangerous because it shows your location. But there is a setting that you can turn off snapchat maps
  • Pinterest is Growing

    Pinterest is Growing
    Pinterest is growing more than Twitter and Facebook. The app has more than 250 million users that was recorded in September. But it still does not have numbers that Twitter and Facebook have but it growing with users
  • Social media today

    Social media as evolved over the years. It can still improve and get bigger. But it also can change and become better because of the user. Some examples would be to follow hashtags and follow influencers.