Social Media Timeline Assignment

By tydors3
  • The PLATO System

    The PLATO System
    The PLATO system was the first early sign of social media by allowing users to leave notes on a message forum. This was developed at the University of Illinois and first began in 1960 before further developing over the next two decades.
  • Usenet

    Usenet was developed at the University of North Carolina as well as Duke University in 1979 and was a discussion system on a dial up network for users to post and read messages.
  • Bulletin Boards System (BBS)

    Bulletin Boards System (BBS)
    One of the earliest known forms of social media, it allows users to do things such as upload and download data, read news and bulletins as well as message other users,
  • Fidonet

    Fidonet developed off of Bulletin Board Systems and provided a way for users to creat public message board posts on a forum as well as private messages in email.
  • Whole World 'Lectronic Link (The WELL)

    Whole World 'Lectronic Link (The WELL)
    Whole World 'Lectronic Link, or The WELL, was created in 1985 and is currently still the longest operating virtual community.
  • IRC

    IRC, or Internet Relay Chats, were intended to be an extension off of BBS, but they became a seperate entity. It is a fully functioning chat room system that has several platforms still in use today.
  • is a social networking platform that allowed students and graduates to connect with current and former students and put each other in contact.
  • LunarStorm

    Arguably the first social media on the internet, LunarStorm was a social networking platform that was mainly advertised for teenagers.
    One of the first social media platforms allowed users to set up a profile and keep a contact list as well as being an instant messaging platform.
  • Skype

    Probably the most popular live video chatting platform for users to communicate with instant messaging and live video.
  • MySpace

    MySpace had the first large impact as a social media platform on pop culture and played a crucial role in the social media platforms we see today.
  • Facebook

    The most popular social media platform to date, Facebook allows users to blog, post photos, videos and stay connected with friends as an instant messaging service.
  • Reddit

    Reddit is a web content and thread discussion based platform where users can also post photos and videos. Often times dissected into different niche categories inside the platform itself.
  • Youtube

    A video sharing platform that is widely popular allowing users to post short or long videos.
  • Tumblr

    A short form blogging platform for users to blog and post photos and videos.
  • Quora

    A question and answer thread based platform where the community can connect and share information on topics posted by other users.
  • Instagram

    Instagram launches as a photo only based platforms allowing users to follow and comment on each others posts.
  • Pinterest

    Pinterest launches as a image based bulletin board platform that allows people to collect photos and connect them into one pinboard as a collection of photos or ideas.
  • Snapchat

    Snapchat is a photo and video based platform with chat capabilities, one of the most popular social media platforms to the day.
  • Tinder

    Likely the largest dating based app today, Tinder was launched in 2012 matching people based on photos, short descriptions and mutual interest between the two users.
  • Patreon

    Patreon is a subscription based platform for content creators where they are being mostly commissioned through viewers tips and subscriptions.
  • Slack

    A professional and business based platform with instant messaging, voice and video chats available for business meetings and chats among a company.
  • Vine Launches

    Vine Launches
    Vine was purchased by Twitter for 30 million and launched the short video app in 2013, becoming very successful very quickly.
  • Amazon acquires Twitch

    Amazon acquires Twitch
    Amazon acquired Twitch for $970 million, booming Twitch to likely the top live streaming platform targeted towards the gaming community.
  • Discord

    A platform largely targeting the gaming community but useful for all, Discord was designed as an instant messaging app capable of hosting voice and video chats between users as well.
  • Periscope

    Periscope is a livestream service app owned and acquired by Twitter.
  • Microsoft acquires LinkedIn

    Microsoft acquires LinkedIn
    LinkedIn being acquired by Microsoft made the platform even more successful, the website being arguably the most common platform in terms of a job search and keeping professionals connected.
  • TikTok

    TikTok is a short video based platform where users can post videos, slideshows as well as livestream to interact with other users on the platform.
  • Shuts down, merges with TikTok Shuts down, merges with TikTok
    The lip syncing platform shut down and many users were transitioned to TikTok.
  • BeReal

    A photo based social media platform that has a random timer each day to where users will post what they are currently doing to their feed.