• Hong Kong Protests

    Hong Kong Protests
    2019-2020 The Hong Kong protests were the largest demonstrations in the history of Hong Kong. Fueled by the introduction of a bill to amend the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance allowing criminal suspects to be extradited to mainland China. Social media became more than just a platform at this time- it was the story itself with a dramatic and very appealing narrative. It shared stories of the 'freedom fighters' relating it to Hunger Games. Telegram, Instagram, and LIHKG were the main forms used.
  • George Floyd Protests (BLM)

    George Floyd Protests (BLM)
    2020- still ongoing. BLM protests erupted after the police killing of George Floyd. Fighting for racial justice, these protests were intense and long-lasting. Many social media sites were used, but Instagram and Tiktok in particular helped this movement explode. Real-time videos showing the riots were shown, and these platforms were used to recruit others into joining in.
  • Vaccine Protests

    Vaccine Protests
    2021 in response to vaccine mandates, protests spread across the country, particularly in areas where strict mandates were put into place. These protests took place throughout the world, in countries like Australia for example. One example was a protest at Dodger Stadium, which was organized on Facebook. Showing us that social media was used as a major recruitment tool and also to spread awareness. Other platforms like Instagram and TikTok were also used.
  • Roe vs. Wade

    Roe vs. Wade
    2022- Roe vs. Wade was overturned which eliminated the constitutional right to abortion- leaving the decision up to the States. Many hashtags were trending on social media including: #mybodymychoice and #bansoffourbodies. Social media was used to inform and educate about what this meant for women's rights. Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, and other forms of social media were used. Protests were organized through social media.
  • Free Palestine Movement

    Free Palestine Movement
    2024 this is an ongoing movement sparked by the Israel-Hamas war. In particular a series of protests by pro-Palestinian students occurred at Columbia University in NYC. Voices are very loud on social media, personally there was a time where when I looked at comments on creators accounts on Instagram and TikTok they were all about this event- trying to get creators to comment on the war and pick sides. The trending movement was all over social media to inform and also educate on the issue.