Ward Christensen and Randy Suess, two computer fans, invented the CBBS system to inform their friends about meetings, make announcements and share information -
Mosaic launches
Several students from the University of Illinois developed Mosaic, which was presented as the first browser adapted to the general public. -
GeoCities launches
Launch of GeoCities, a service that allows users to create their own web pages -
The Web has one million websites
GeoCities gets one million users
AOL launches
AOL Instant Messenger allows Internet chat. -
Blogging begins
Google launches
GeoCities goes public
Friends Reunited
Friends Reunited, the first social network to become popular among Internet users, was founded in the UK to find old school mates. -
Yahoo! buys GeoCities for 3.57 billion dollars. -
The Blogger platform launches.
70 million computers are connected to the Internet.
Friendster launches
Friendster launches. The social network reaches 3 million users in just three months. -
AOL has already reached 34 million users.
MySpace is launched
Google buys the Blogger platform.
Second Life launches.
LinkedIn launches social network for professionals
Facebook launches
Facebook is born. An unknown investor offers Mark Zuckerberg $10 million to buy the famous social network. Facebook founder declines the offer. -
Digg launches.
youtube is launched
Twitter is launched
apple introduces iphone
Tumblr launches
Apple introduces ipad
pinterest launches