social media


    This was the first application in history, created in the year 1951 created by two Americans J.Presper and John William Mauchly, and it was an app that allowed other people to make other programs or applications
  • google

    Probably one of the most important apps in the world, Google, was created in 1996 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, two university friends who created this website with the finallity find all kinds of information in the web, but Google went further, when it started to buy more applications, get more rich and rich and now it is one of the most used apps on a daily basis.
  • SixDegrees

    The SixDegrees website was the first "social network" created in the world, and all the users can chat with family/friends or have them on a list of friends
  • facebook

    Facebook is also very well known in the world, created by Mark Zukenberg with more people, and well it was the typical social website to upload videos, chat or sell things like today's apps, but it was very well known in the world because at that times those apps didn't exist
  • today's webs socials

    today's webs socials
    After the creation of Facebook, more apps related to the same thing were created, such as YouTube, TikTok, Twitter... most to watch user-created videos, chat or listen to music
  • chat gpt

    chat gpt
    that not a social media but i think that is the theme in the last times. chat gpt is actually so famous because the app creates thext, images and videos using a IA, some people are scared bcause chat gpt and other apps whit IA can do texts, images... false and is so peligrous