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History of Social media

  • The pneumatic communication

    The pneumatic communication
    In 1865 the pneumatic was created and allowed stores and banks to communication and soon afterwards the radio was invented and these both had a big effect on social media.
  • how they made the path to now

    how they made the path to now
    The technological explosion is seen in computing after the 1940's paved the way for the social media world we see today. Obviously, this was not its primary goal. Initially humble in scale, with localized computer networks, CompuServe came into being in the 1960's. The internet, as we know it, was not too far behind. Primitive emails first appeared during this time in 1966. The 1970's saw further refinement and development in sophistication.
  • Period: to

    Step up in Social media

    The history of social media stepped up a gear during the 80's. This decade saw the introduction of home computers with social media, that we would recognize today, developing soon after. 1985 saw the introduction of The Well and GENie. GENie (General Electric Network for Information Exchange) was an online service created for GE. This was a critical moment in the history of social media in business and in general.
  • Top ten site

    Top ten site
    Listserv made its debut in 1986, the original not the modern top ten site. This worked effectively like a mailing list to allow users to contact multiple users in one email. Commonplace today but revolutionary at the time. Internet Relay Chats (IRC's) first appeared in 1988 and were still in use well into the 1990's.