Social media

  • Email

    Email was envented and that change the way to mail stuff acoss the world. That helped many people to live better
  • Compuserve

    This was a online site that acually costed users a lot of money. It is about $30/hour and when you are doing it hours on end that is a lot of money
  • Mud and BBS

    Personally I don't know what is mud and BBS but maybe others will know. People use this site a lot back when I was young
  • The palace

    The palace was also a important event in the growth of social media. This event took place in 1994.
  • Six degrees

    Six degrees was the first modern social media network. It was shut down in 2001.
  • Moveon

    Moveon was an event that took place on 1998 and was very important in the ongoing of social media