Civil Rights Movement

  • Jim Crow laws

    The 14th amendment of the Constitution gave African Americans equal protection under the jim crow laws. In 1870 they were given the rights to vote.
  • Rosa Parks

    The "Mother of the modern day civil rights movement" started the boycott of the Montgomery bus system, this lasted 381 days which led to the Supreme court to rule that segregated seating was unconstitutional.
  • Little Rock nine

    9 students of color went to an all white school where they were protected by national guard. This made many white people very angry, saying they would kill these individuals and pulling their students from school. This led to Integrating other black students in other schools across the nation.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1957

    President Eisenhower signed this act saying if anybody tried to prevent somebody from voting they would face federal prosecution.
  • Freedom Riders

    seven black and six white activist rode a bus to the south to protest segregated bus terminals. The bus reached Anniston, Alabama in 1961 on Mothers day were a bomb was placed on the bus. They escaped but were then beaten by the white protesters.
  • March on Washington

    This is where the "I Have a Dream" speech was done. Over 200,000 people of all races attended this protest. This was to force civil rights legislation and establishing job equality for everybody.
  • Civil rights Act of 1964

    Lyndon B. Johnson signed this act stating that there would be equal employment for all, limited use of voter literacy test and allowed federal authorities to ensure public facilities were integrated.
  • Fair Housing Act

    11 days after King's assassination, this act prevented housing discrimination based on race, sex, national origin and religion. The last legislation enacted during civil rights era.