Infancy - Fear 4-5 months
Some babies fear adult strangers, the unknown, different sounds, and direct expieriences or teachings. Adults can learn to stop being fearful around infants, because thats teaching them fear. -
Infancy - Anxiety 10-12 months
Anxiety is fear of a possible future event. First anxiety of an infant is seperation anxiety, an anxiety caused by fear that loved ones who leave them will not return. This occurs because children under two years cannot understand why their parents are leaving, infants dont have memory of past events, having to depend on others called dependence. -
Infancy - Anger 8-10 months
From birth babies show infant rage which occurs when baby is distressed, not anger. By 8-10 months babies begin to direct their anger towards a certain person or object. May express anger in physical ways when they are held against their will, toys are tooken away, or being distracted. Parents should meet needs quickly, stay calm and talk in a quiet voice, holding them close, and not showing they're upset. -
Toddlers - Fear 2yrs
Fear becomes more evident after the first birthday, because child knows more things to fear. EX: monsters, animals, darkness, nightmares, injury, and etc. Instead of talking about their fears they begin acting them out. Adults should handle situations in a mature way. Never tease toddlers about their fears or push them into scary situations. Also reduce televison time. -
Toddlers - Anxiety 2years
Toddlers overcome seperation anxiety. Parents must make sure their child recieves good and loving care during seperations.
Nightmares begin around 2 years of age. Bad dreams are a way to deal with anxiety. -
Toddlers - Anger
Children desire more independence and have a strong will. Sudden emotional outbursts of anger are called temper tantrums, appears more the second year of life. Parents should ignore child during tantrums allowing them to calm down, then give the child love and reassurance. -
Preschoolers - Fear & Anxiety
Accept the expressed fears and axieties in children. Assure children you will help keep them safe, model courage, and handle one fear at a time. -
Preschoolers - Anger & Aggression
Handling childrens anger and aggression is not only draining but often stirs up anger in adults. Adults should note the difference in anger and aggression. Adults should help children manage anger, control play groups, toys, and games, Children imitate adults aggressive behavior. Teach attitude of assertiveness.