Social and Cultural Injustices in Canada

By curwin
  • The Indian Act

    The Indian Act
  • Residential Schools

    Residential Schools
  • Aboriginal potlatches illegal

    Aboriginal potlatches illegal
  • The Chinese Head Tax

    The Chinese Head Tax
    Chinese immigrants Head Tax increased to $500 per person.
  • Hindus in BC denied the right to vote

    Hindus in BC denied the right to vote
  • Manitoba Governement abolishes bilingual instruction

    Manitoba Governement abolishes bilingual instruction
    In 1916 the Manitoba government abolishes bilingual (Englishand French) instruction. but it wasn't unil 1963 when French language instruction officially authorized in all grades.
  • Wartimes Elections Act exculdes minorities the vote

    Wartimes Elections Act exculdes  minorities the vote
    In 1917 thw wartimes Elections Act which involves some minorities form voting, including Ukrainians and Germans.
  • Black Men refused service

    Black Men refused service
  • The Chinese Immigration Act

    The Chinese Immigration Act
  • Restricts Immigration of Jewish refugees

    Restricts Immigration of Jewish refugees
  • Yukan First Nations are relacated

    Yukan First Nations are relacated
  • Sayisi Dene are relocated

    Sayisi Dene are relocated
  • Adoption Scoop of First Nations/Metis Children

    Adoption Scoop of First Nations/Metis Children
    From 1960's to 1980's, thousands of children were taken and adopted out from their families and communities because the government thought that the parents did not have the knowledge to take care of a child. 70% of the children went to non-aboriginal homes.
  • Japanese Internment Camps

    Japanese Internment Camps