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    4 MAIN things led to world war one M - Militarization, Countries started to amass larger armies and started designing and manufacturing better weapons A - Alliances, Countries started to ally with each other which made them more powerful, so other countries started to ally so that the power stays balanced I - Imperialism, Countries wanted more land/raw resources N - Nationalism, basically countries saying that they are better than the others
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    Rise of Communism

    Karl Marx wrote the communist manifesto which inspired stalin, mao, lenin. Which led to many deaths, and trauma. Communism is the idealogy of creating a classless society.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    After world war one a treaty that basically screwed over Germany making them pay back after the war, a total of 33 billion. This led to hitler getting angry and causing ww2
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    Stalin's Rule

    Stalin was a ruthless leader who killed millions and created the Holodomor and gulags, he also succeeded in making Russia an economic superpower because of mass industrialization.
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    The Big Sad

    The big sad was a huge economic downturn in the us and around the world. People were very poor and some resorted to selling children. It started after the stock market crashed.
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    Hitlers Rule

    When Hitler got into power he wanted to expand Germany and get revenge on the people who screwed over Germany with the treaty of Versailles, he blamed the world bank for it and therefore he blamed the jews, creating the holocaust and in his expansion he also started WW2
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    Hitlers rule led the WW2 because he wanted to expand Germany and get revenge, millions of people died on both sides, the Holocaust happened during it, it ended when Hitler killed him self, WW2 lasted for 6 years
  • IMF formation

    IMF formation
    The IMF was created after bretton woods. It gives small lones to countries and regulates the currency exchange
  • WB formation

    WB formation
    Also created after Bretton woods and was originally made to help rebuild Europe and Japan after WW2, its main job now is provide financial aid to help countries rebuild after disaster
  • Bretton Woods

    Bretton Woods
    It was a conference that made a set of unified rules and policies that made it possible to created a fixed international currency exchange rate
  • GATT

    The general Agreement on Tariffs and Trade was made to promote international trade and to regulate it, it was eventually turned into the WTO
  • WTO formation

    WTO formation
    The World Trade Organization is an intergovernmental org that regulates international trade, its the successor to the GATT