The first FIFA world cup.
[Classic Footbal History ](The FIFA Congress in Barcelona in 1929 assigned Uruguay as first host country of the FIFA World Cup ) First world cup hosted by FIFA. -
First Host
Classic Footbal History The FIFA Congress in Barcelona in 1929 assigned Uruguay as first host country of the FIFA World Cup -
France 1938
FIFA world cup The third FIFA World Cup was hosted in France with Italy been the winners for the second time. -
Brazil 1950
FIFA world cup Brazil baceme the 4th Country to host the wrold cup with Uruguay taking the winner title for the second time. -
Chile 1962
FIFA World Cup Chile had won the right to host this world cup but din't won it
the Brazilians took the price home for the second time. -
Germany 1974
FIFA World Cup Germany's first time to host the World Cup and also second times winners while then been the host. -
Argentina 1978
FIFA World Cup Fisrt time host first time winner with final score of 3-1
deffeting Netherlands. -
Spain 1982
FIFA World Cup Italy became world champions for the third time with a 3-1 victory over Germany. -
Italy 1990
FIFA World Cup Italy second World Cup host, also the revange of Germany agaings Argentina, Germany winning with a final score od 1-0 -
USA 1994
FIFA World Cup FIFA 15th World Cup even with a sad lost for Italy by lossing in the penalties shoots agaings Brazil. -
France 1998
FIFA World Cup France the father of the FIFA World Cup had won the Cup in their own house game. -
Korea/Japan 2002
FIFA World Cup Japan had the chance altought this was not a country of major football leagues or fans. This also gave Brazil their 5th champinshit becoming top country with most World Cup won in football history. -
South Africa 2010
FIFA World Cup First African nation to be the host with Spain first time winner of a World Cup by winning over the Netherlands at 1-0. -
FIFA Germany ranks #2 in FIFA records and also my favorite teram. -
Brazil 2014
FIFA World Cup This is the World Cup every football fan is waiting for to see who takes the Cup home. With a opening match of Brazil vs Croatia. -
Russia 2018
FIFA World Cup The FIFA Executive Committee has chosen Russia to host the 2018 FIFA World Cup. -